Capter 1: what if?

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I'd kept it secret my whole life. No one had known about my special gift but now I'm all alone and it's all because of HIM, one if the ones I'm meant to love whose meant to love me back.(notice how I keep using the word MEANT.) look I know that saying ONE of the ONES who is meant to love me is kinda odd but you'll understand later on.

Have you ever felt like your hart was physically braking? Like you were completely alone and you were better of that way? Have you ever cryer so hard when it rained it seemed like the rain was your way of showing how sad you were to the people around you? I have and let me tell you it sucks.

Now I've had all those things happen to me and I was unable to do a thing about it. How sad Is that? Not being able to handle your own life. I guess you can see how week I was.

And Now I'm wishing that a thing like mates didn't exist. This never would of happened if it didn't. It would have been better to be alone then having to face all of the people who had claimed to be my family and the one friend that I'd ever had in my whole life. One single friend. how pitiful is that?

Having people who faked being your family your whole life hurts. It leaves you alone in a way that is hard to explain. I feel no regret in what became of my so called family and that is what makes me sad. That I can't feel anything towards them and feel no regrets or remorse just... Free and ... Calm.

You know It's not my fault that no one liked me. In fact most really hated me and I took it. Every day I'd go through the same thing get up, cook for my family, skip breakfast so I can get a ride to school, put up with the abuse, have lunch, more abuse and then go home make dinner, do my homework and if I'm lucky get leftovers.

I was being beaten and starved and I was week... Broken. Everyone knew and no one did a damn thing about it. I couldn't do anything because i had no control. I had no power or any ability to help myself and that is hard to deal with. Having no way to change your life. No help or choice in it. It's like you have no grip and just have to fall.

Even through all the torment i went through one thing gave me hope. Even if i hated the idea it still gave the small fleeting hope of being saved.

All my life I'd been told that mates are meant to love you and complete you, so how the HELL did mine manage to destroy me and not only that but he even stole my life from me.

Well he didn't exactly steel it I guess it was just that he was the one who, made me relies that my life wasn't as good as I thought it was. It could of been my parents who set my life down this track. What I did to deserve it, no idea, maybe if someone ever told me i could fix it. Don't see that happening any time soon.

In all truths i guess I just needed someone to blame for making this happen to me. So who is better to blame than the one person who killed who I used to be? No one.

I've never been so alone and broken. I'be never been so week and useless. I'm wallowing in self-pity and I actually have a good reason for it. Maybe I'm taking it a little over board but I don't care.

Wait you don't even know my name yet. Well at least what it used to be. It's Niome Felleps and this is... I don't know what this is actually. Can someone please tell me? Never mind back to the topic at hand.

Some of you may have herd of mates. Well they are a werwolf's sole mate, their counterpart. (and yes I did say werewolf) you see we all have a one true love who where meant to love and cherish and that were destained to be with.

I know it sounds like some kind of fairytale without all the bibity bobidy boop. We are meant to care for each other and never wish harm on one another. Normally we have one mate and there meant to be the world to you in fact there is only one wolf in all of existence who is an exception to this rule in fact the exception to all normal rules but I'll save that for a later date.

Did you know that there Is a whole shifter world and not just wolves. There are foxes, tigers, panthers, leopards and even lions. Think of us as... A race, like the human race. Just like you we have all different types of people who have different religions and beliefs. Like were you have Muslims, Americans, the Jewish, Japanese we have the different types of animals we can change into. Each breed of animal Shifters have their own believes as well.

For now I'll tell you what happened before. Back then I was in school had a friend family sure it sucked you know... Life, but I never knew it could be this bad so let me tell you about how my whole life crumbled beneath me and my hart was destroyed. And to think it all happened in the space of a week.

I know how can someone lose all they had and there beliefs in a single week it sounds really hard to believe to me. Well actually not. Having something like this happen to you sucks big time but hey like that awesome song I herd says 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. I just hope I can survive after this.

Wait before we go on I'd like you to think about this. What would you do if you where me? And keep asking yourself this. Something's I had no control over and once you do something it can never be taken away. But what would happen if you had my life? What if you lived it better? What if I had the chance to start over?

So many what if's. If only I knew the awnsers mabye things whould be better than they are now.




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