Distance | Preferences

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Nash: You two use snapchat and facetime each other all the time. It isn't the same but it makes the wait easier.

Cam: To be honest, distance doesn't really work for you two. You both are a complete mess without each other.

Carter: You text each other all the time and talk on the phone for hours. It really sucks but the feeling you get when you see each other again makes it worth it.

Matt: You have his hoodie and he has something of yours. You also like to facetime as much as possible.

Taylor: You talk on the phone a lot, and he likes to give you little suprises like send flowers or randomly visit you.

Shawn: You both like to write each other little notes and letters which you'll read whenever you're feeling alone. He also facetimes you and sings you to sleep.

Jack G: You're also the kind of couple who can't really do distance so you'll do absolutely anything you can to make the time shorter. (Not that this isn't for everyone..)

Jack J: You'll text all day and call each other every night. He will always try and make you laugh because he wants to know you're happy.

Hayes: You use basically every social media and app which actually makes other people annoyed. For you it works.

Sammy: You'll text and tweet each other a lot and sometimes he'll get a bit too excited and send you risky snapchats.

Nate: You call each other and facetime because you just need to hear each others voices.

Kenny Holland: You'll wear his hoodies and shirts all time, just to make it feel like he's closer. You also like to snapchat. (I'll be adding Kenny to at least a few ones because he's a bae aksbzsnkskan)

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