How You Know He's Turned On | Preferences

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Nash: He can't keep his eyes off you. You can feel his gaze on your body no matter where you go.

Cam: He keeps rubbing his hands together and biting his lips.

Carter: He will use every excuse to touch you. Just to hold your hand, lean on you, hug you or touch your hips as he walks past you.

Matt: He will nervously tap his feet while he sits there staring at you.

Taylor: He doesn't feel any need to hide it. He will come up to you and say it straight to your face as he kisses your lips.

Shawn: He will be close to you and keep his hands on your body.

Jack G: His gaze will move from your eyes to your lips as he bites his own.

Jack J: He will be constantly pecking your lips and giving you random kisses on the cheeks.

Hayes: He looks very uncomfortable as he sits down trying to contain himself.

Aaron: He will smile at you and bite his lip every time your eyes glance at his direction.

Jacob: He simply gets closer, whispering something dirty.

Sammy: He will come up to you and hover his hands on your hips as he leans closer.

Dillon: He will use any opportunity to have skin contact with you.

Nate: He will keep his eyes on you, breathing heavily while thinking about the things he could do with that body of yours.

Kenny: His voice would get raspy and deep, and he would shoot winks at you.

*Updated! I feel like my preferences and imagines are just getting more dirty, but to be honest I think we're all fine with that?

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