How He Cheers You Up | Preferences

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Nash: He takes cute pictures with you and puts them as his background.

Cam: Cuddles with you until you fall asleep safe in his arms.

Carter: He pulls random silly faces and tries to make you laugh.

Matt: Tells you stupid jokes and makes weird noises.

Taylor: Picks you up over his shoulder and chases you around.

Shawn: Sings whatever you ask him to.

Jack G: Hugs and kisses you for hours.

Jack J: Tells you that everything will be alright and all the reasons he loves you.

Hayes: Tries to make you laugh every way possible.

Aaron: Takes you somewhere to clear your mind.

Jacob: Plays covers of your favorite songs.

Sammy: Cuddles with you and tells you his best jokes.

Dillon: He would make random freestyle raps which always made you crack up.

Nate: Holds you in his arms for as long as you need to.

Kenny: He would give you something else to think.

*Updated! REQUESTS OPEN, JUST MESSAGE ME X Comment down the cutest one, I really wanna know hahah

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