American Wizarding Slang

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"Mercy Lewis" - after a witch killed in the Salem Trials. Used as a solitary exclamation, similar to "Merlin's beard!"

"Good Morrigan", etc - after Isolt Sayre, who is also often referred to as Good Witch Morrigan, Witch Morrigan, or simply Morrigan because of her bloodline being linked to the famous Animagus. The Ilvermorny School song uses this name for its Founder, and the use of this term, occasionally seen as an expletive because it "disrespects" Sayre, is used more or less exclusively by Ilvermorny students and alumni. Takes the place of "Merlin," similarly to "Mercy Lewis."

"Dorcus" - after Dorcus Twelvetrees, the witch responsible for the breach of the Statute of Secrecy that led directly to Rappaport's Law. Used to insult someone, in place of "idiot" or similar.

"Put in one's three Sprinks" - to voice one's opinion. Similar to the No-Maj "put in my two cents."

"Hold one's gigglewater" - similar, course, to No-Maj "hold one's liquor," indicating that one can consume lots of alcohol without negative effects – in this case, a common side effect of excessive gigglewater consumption is a laughing fit that lasts longer than one would wish.

"More ______ than a(n) _______" - blanks are filled with any number of things, though the second blank is often a magical creature or being. This is used anywhere, but of course, North Americans use their own versions. Examples are "more savage/evil/Dark than a Wendigo," "bigger than a Sasquatch," "dumber than a Sasquatch" (this one is of course considered offensive to the Sasquatch, but some persist in using it), or "crazier than a Snallygaster in a tornado" (this one is because Snallygasters live very far from America's Tornado Alley).

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