Ilvermorny Headcanons Part 2

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House Points aren't shown in totals but by percentage. There is a huge pie chart on the wall in the dining hall that adjusts to show which House has the biggest percentage of House Points.

Since it first came out in 2016, Stranger Things has been a cult favorite at Ilvermorny. There's a club called the AV Club (the name is totally misleading because it's totally dedicated to the show)

Warlock's Hall (aka the place where first-years get their wands) is considered the largest wand shop in North America. Maybe the world. With over 5,000 different wands from all across the continent and around the world. 

On Christmas Day, the students (who stay behind at school) and the ghosts come together and have a Christmas Carol singing competition.

Thunderbird students climb onto the school roof and have campfires, go exploring around the grounds on weekends, research for crazy projects at 2:00 am, invent new spells with Horned Serpent students, teaching younger students how to do more advanced magic but take the blame when they get in trouble, sending excited letters home to their parents about what they've done, confessing their love, less bold Thunderbirds taking smaller calculated risks, shyer ones taking the leap and making more friends, because adventure is different for everyone.

Many years ago, an Ilvermorny student started a book, filled with all the secrets and hidden passageways of the school. They enchanted it so that it was almost impossible to destroy and so that only other Ilvermorny students could add to it and nothing could be erased. For the first several years, it was amazing- an easy source of secret information- but then some students start putting in false information. Pretty soon, it's all a big jumble of fact and fiction, tons of bizarre theories and conspiracies that make no sense. Finally, a group of Thunderbirds and Horned Serpents forms to check the validity of every fact in the book (which is both an adventure and a quest for knowledge). The challenge is trying to check all the facts faster than they're being written downs.

Every student gets 1 Wanderlust Week a semester. The professors are well-aware that the Thunderbird kids tend to want to go off and have adventures and will get exceedingly restless if they're confined for too long, so they implemented this system to keep the number of Thunderbirds skiving off class to go hiking, etc. to a minimum. It's worked out fantastically.

During the Wanderlust Days, Older Thunderbirds who can apparate team up with younger ones and do crazy side-alongs (as they call it) to crazy places. A popular choice is Arizona where they try (with little to no success) to find and adopt a Thunderbird chick. Unfortunately, this is illegal but no student has ever come back with a chick. The chicks are actually quite big, though. They think that humans are actually pretty funny as they run fruitlessly across the desert. It usually works out. 

At the start of every Quidditch game that Thunderbird plays, the DJ puts on "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC. the captain yells "THUNDER" and the kids reply "OOOOOOOOO" to help fire them up for the game. This has been a tradition at Thunderbird House since the song was released in 1990.

When it comes to baseball, there are many divided loyalties at Ilvermony. But the most popular and most supported team at school is the Boston Red Sox.

First-year students are required to take a class in which they are given a raven and will care for it for the rest of the time they are enrolled at Ilvermorny. Students are allowed to keep them after they graduate, while some students release them into the wild. Students do not use owls at Ilvermorny (they are optional though, but they are very rare), so they enlist either ravens, hawks, or eagles to aid communication between them and their parents or they can use their cellphones and computers if they desire.

Pukwudgies always have pockets full of homemade cough drops that taste like a dozen different good things

Wampus kids give the best hugs

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