Ilvermorny Headcanon Part 3

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On the 4th of July, the day of the Quidditch Cup final, despite the teachers' many attempts to prevent it, there's no stopping the fireworks. Students casting fireworks everywhere (and I do mean EVERYWHERE) as they zoom around on broomsticks, the more experienced students creating complex fireworks that look like creatures (dragons, phoenixes, etc.), and the houses competing to see who can make better fireworks (every year Thunderbird wins, because they have a reputation to uphold. How can they lose when their house mascot is a bird that literally creates thunder in the sky as it flies?).

Newly sorted baby Thunderbirds who feel like there was a mistake because they never even left their town before coming to Ilvermorny

Thunderbirds turning the common room into one giant blanket fort and telling spooky stories until they all fall asleep in a pile

Thunderbird camping trips where the heads of the house teach the importance of not disturbing nature while exploring; "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints"

Disabled Thunderbirds use spells in order to go along with their able-bodied peers, and the faster students slowing their pace to make sure everyone can keep up

Introverted thunderbirds who explore the world through books and technology and have probably seen more beautiful things than anyone else

Thunderbirds consistently get lost in the wilderness and need to call back to Ilvermorny for help, even though they insist they totally knew where they were going the whole time

Thunderbirds who would rather sit and write their own stories of untold places than follow along with the others

Thunderbirds sneaking out their windows at night has become such an epidemic that the professors have to charm the Thunderbird dorms to keep them inside. It doesn't work.

Even though the school is almost four hundred years old, every once in a while a curious Thunderbird stumbles across a forgotten wing or classroom nobody knew was there

Every semester Thunderbird house celebrates with a castle-wide game of hide-and-seek; the school record for the length of time without being found is 6 days.

During the weekend of Columbus Day, the school holds a special festival in honor of its Native American school population called Indigenous Peoples Day.

Thunderbirds always wake up early on the weekends to go exploring

Thunderbirds and Horned Serpents get along really well. They both enjoy reading (Thunderbirds more for the imaginary adventure, Horned Serpents more for the mental stimulation), and with the Horned Serpent's vast amount of knowledge, they're very handy to have around when the Thunderbird decides to go adventuring. Also, they love coming up with crazy theories intermingling the Horned Serpent's known facts and the Thunderbird's wild imagination. They also love going birdwatching together.

Since Wampus represents the body, they are huge activists on transgender rights and body positivity. Being comfortable with your body is very important to them. On that note, not all Wampuses are athletic, but they don't let their lack of athleticism prevent them from being total badasses. You can't ever use their weight against them, because their determination and confidence will prove you wrong.

Do you think Thunderbirds and Wampuses have a rivalry? Ha, yeah right! The real rivalry is between Pukwudgie and Horned Serpent. Both houses are known for their excelling students, and thus they are often competing to see which is the smarter house. Science fairs are like battlefields, exam days are thick with tension, and lord help us if there are any trivia games. They often have duels just to see who knows the most complex spells. Baseball and Quidditch are especially competitive. Sometimes, fights break out between the two houses.

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