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"how could you?" i confronted the person, with johnny behind me, when i saw the chance of them alone.

"you figured it out?" they asked.

"yeah why would do it? i thought we were friends." i glared.

"that's how all victim get their crimes." they hummed.

"you gonna regret this." johnny angrily replied.

"sure, there's nothing you can do about it. it's leaked."

"you will pay, lauren."

ever felt like you can't trust anyone after your best friend betrays you? i have.

ever had to end a relationship that you didn't want to but it's for the best because then it won't cause any problems then? i did.

i broke up with johnny.


"it's lauren." i said.

"my sister?" johnny asked, shocked.

i nodded. "she likes to wake up early, has to post an insta every day for t least two times, and luna, change the n to r, then switch the order, is laur."

"why would she did this?"

"i don't know, but johnny, i think we should break up." i trailed off at the end.

"why?" he voice cracked.

"look, every time we're sincerely happy, someone happens that separates us."

"then we fight it!" johnny exclaims, tears in his eyes. i had tears too.

"i'm sorry, but it's for the best john. you know it too." one tear slipped.

"please, mackenzie, don't do this to me." He cried, holding my hands. i quickly yanked back.

"i'm really sorry. but right now we have to confront lauren." i wiped my tears away, walking to the door. i could tell johnny was hurt. but this will hurt less than what will happen if we don't break up.

end of flashback!

the tears were back again. i looked up, sucking in a breath, just trying so hard not to cry. i heard knocking on the door. looking up, i saw mom standing at the doorway.

she sat down next to me on the bed. that's when i let it all out. she listened to me, all of it.

"maybe we're not meant to be." i said, sadly.

"there's nothing called meant to be. you have to work things out to be together." my mom comforted. i sighed.


THE DEAL // JENZIEWhere stories live. Discover now