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"mack, wake up." someone whispered softly, lightly shaking my body. i groaned, burying my face in the person's chest, unwanting to wake up. he chuckled.

"what happened last night?" i groaned again.

"well after i asked you, we went home, but you fell asleep during the ride so i brought you to my house." johnny explained. i nodded slowly, lifting my head to meet his emerald green eyes.

"how'd you sleep?" johnny whispers, still holding me by the waist. the covers were kicked to the side, probably by both of us.

"the best for so long." i grinned. he grinned back. too bad he never knew the reason.

johnny knew my dad left, but he never knew why.

two years ago, when i was in 8th grade, it was my dance competition. it was a hip hop one, but it was a little, revealing shall i say. my dad said i shouldn't be dancing like this, but my mom said it was fine, that i was becoming a young adult. the argument went around for a few weeks, when my dad thought he couldn't take it anymore, he left us. we were all very heartbroken. my dad was the nice kind of guy though, no one expected him to do this. that was what hurted me the most, he left because of me. the only good thing was that my mom never hated me for it. she still loves me the same. but still, it hurted. it still hurts now.

i remember the note he wrote for us.

my beloved melissa,

i'm sorry for all the yelling. i shouldn't hate the way kenz dances. but i just do. that's why i'm leaving. for now, i hope. it hurts for me to do this, but it's for the best.

i love you. never stop and never will.

kenz, you are a great dancer. a talented one. you dance beautifully. but as your father, i can't help but despised some ways you dance. i know, you're growing up, but i just can't let the feeling go. you'll always be little to me. we'll meet again one day, i know it.

this isn't your fault. it's mine.

i love you love bug. always remember that.

mads, i get this has nothing to do with you, i'm sorry, truly. you are a great dancer too, but somehow i just accepted the fact some ways you dance. i hate it too, but you're in high school. kenz is only in middle school, and the way she dances with the body and stuff, it's too hard for me. i know, selfish much right?

i love you sweetheart. you will always be in my mind.

i hope one day we'll all meet again. but for now, see you later.


that was the worst night ever. mom comforting maddie and i, even though she was crying herself too.

my dad came back a year ago, because he missed his family too much. he accepts my dances now, but i just can't stop thinking about how he left because of me.

i must of wondered off, since johnny knocked me out of my thoughts. "are you okay? you kind of loss focus here."

"yeah i'm fine." i smiled up at him. i saw johnny staring down at something, cheeks going red. i followed his eyes, and landed on my dress. i was wearing the same dress as yesterday, and the dress went up a little while i was sleeping, revealing a little bit of my red underwear.

i smirked, looking at him. i could tell his pants were getting tight. i leaned in, mouth touching his ear.

"pants tight? oh honey, remember this is fake." i winked, patting him on the shoulder.

he huffed out, "fuck you."

"maybe one day." i hummed. he almost choked.

"what?!" he sputtered.

i laughed. "i was just kidding! geez!" johnny pouts, giving me the 'not funny' face.

liked by KenzE and 102,204 more

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liked by KenzE and 102,204 more

JohnE hanging out w/ kenz

tagged: KenzE

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KenzE the left looks cute, dunno bout the right🙄
—> JohnE it's called handsomeness my love;)
—> KenzE more like stupidness:)
—> JohnE meanie:(

Lolo u don't even know how to play the guitar
—> JohnE shut up. ofc i do
—> Lolo since when
—> JohnE two hours ago
—> KenzE yet u still suck at it

Hayhoe ur jeans have holes
—> JohnE ur heart has a hole
—> Hayhoe harsh babe😢

JohnnyOfan #johayden^^
—> Hayhoe johayden rocks:)
—> JohnE yea we do;)
—> KenzE um Xcuse me:(
—> JohnE sorry jenzie rocks more love
—> Hayhoe hey!
—> JohnE i- i give up🤦‍♂️

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i finished drafting this whole book😃

do u have a stuff toy

a stuff tiger

i watched spiderman far from home and it was good:)


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