Chapter 24

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I've seen perfect photoshoots, stunning poses and sparkling covers but there's no better picture of my boys than the one I posted in the media up there. It's officially my favourite (except for the fact that Yixing is absent)

It's 1st July today so I decided to drop a little surprise character in there. Enjoy the chapter!


"So, does he?" I looked down at Yumi who was currently digging in her book bag. It was recess time and we had come up to our--well, actually her dormitory, and I had just relayed every strange or flirty encounter with Chanyeol that has happened in the last three weeks of school.

"Who?" She asked distractedly.

I rolled my eyes. "Chanyeol. Don't you think he's acting weird?" 

She was lying on the floor now, flat on her stomach, peering under her bed for her Geography textbook. "I'm getting this odd feeling of déjà vu..."

I rummaged in the bookshelf too, shifting books here and there to look for the damn book. "That's because we've had a conversation like this the same time last year too. Or several ones like this."

Yumi got up on her heels again and continued her search in her suitcase, sighing. "I don't know, Mirae."

"But, do you think it's normal?" I insisted.

She gazed up, her brows shooting up. "You mean when Chanyeol joked about sleeping with you? And you didn't find that strange?"

"Well, that's what I'm saying!!" I exclaimed indignantly, feeling frustrated all of a sudden at her innocent blame. "I feel like he's traveled back in time to three years ago."

"I don't know." She repeated, shooting me a dubious look over her shoulder. "He did kiss you."

Whipping around, I scowled deeply at her back. "Yumi! I thought we were going to pretend it never happened! And I believe it was you who said this type of stuff happens 'all the time' at parties--"

"First of all, I never suggested forgetting it." my friend chuckled so lightly like it was a normal matter that comes up every day in our conversation. "And, I said the other stuff because I was afraid you might have heart failure otherwise."

"Great." I abandoned the book search sinking into her bed. "So, you think he might have actually meant to... you know, kiss me?"

"Maybe." She shrugged. "We can't say for sure if he doesn't remember. But if the flirting bothers you, ask him to stop."

"It doesn't bother me like it used to," I mumbled in my mouth but she heard it clear anyway. Yumi raised a skeptical brow, rising up from her place to face me squarely.

"So..." She started slowly. "You're saying... you like it?"

"What? No, I--"

"Hah, found it!" Yumi snatched her book off from the window seat beside Eunmi's bed. "I forgot I had lent her." Then she added seriously, "Just be careful."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That if Chanyeol actually had meant--"

"You're afraid I'll 'lead him on' or something stupid like that?" I snorted, leaning against the wall.

"You're dating Jinyoung." She simply stated, placing her recently recovered book in her bag.

"Thanks for reminding me." I retorted sarcastically. "Hold on, you're not afraid of Chanyeol's sake, are you? Are you worried that I might... what? Fall in love with him? Honestly Yumi." I slung my bag on my shoulder as we reached for the door. "We've had this conversation so many times! I don't think I can ever fancy Chanyeol, I love Jinyoung, so--" We both stopped dead in our tracks, just short of the door staring at each other.

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