Chapter 30

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I know it's been painfully long since I updated but it's going to be like this because my college has started and we all know what that means.
But here is a long ass chapter to quench your thirst!

In the end, there is a poll where you need to choose any one of the covers for this story. It would be a great favor :)


I was across the hall when I'd made a conscious decision to move my feet, my eyes drawn to Chanyeol's pale face, his bruised lip, and the dark, red stain on the left corner of his shirt. . . Forcing myself to look away when I neared him, I glanced frantically between his friends who barely acknowledged my existence. "What happened? Did someone---is he--?"

"Take him to the Chemistry classroom, on the left, NOW!" Baekhyun barked instructions to the other two, his face contorted in alarm.

I hurried to catch up with them. Did somebody hit him? Did he get involved in a fight? Or worse, did he get injured during his training? My mind exploded with questions that I suppressed. The thudding in my heart escalated. Baekhyun tried shouldered through the door of the nearest classrooms. "Open the door, Mirae!" Junmyun roared.

I quickly turned the knob of the room where he, Baekhyun, and Minseok Oppa lowered Chanyeol to the floor. As they did so, a painful gasp emitted from Chanyeol's mouth but his eyes remained closed.

Relief flooded through my veins at the revelation that he was at least partially conscious (and alive!) But my panic returned in full measure when Junmyun's shaky fingers pulled open his cardigan to reveal the dark red stain beneath. They cut through his shirt and I bit back a loud gasp. I winced when a wave of nausea hit me at the sight of a small yet bloodied gash on his left abdomen. My heartbeat accelerated at the sight, my eyes started watering.

His friends hardly flinched at the gruesome sight and began planning immediately. My breathing quickened, I asked again in a quivery voice, "What happened?" 

"You people stay here---I'll be right back," Baekhyun spoke in a business-like tone, ignoring me again. 

"Where are you--" I asked urgently.

He didn't hear my question as he rushed out of the classroom. I turned to the others looking expectantly. "Will anyone tell me what's going on? Shouldn't we take him to the hospital? And where did he run off to?" I fired.

Junmyun, who was cleaning off the blood around Chanyeol's wound with an antiseptic tissue, thumped on the ground with a sigh. "Accident."

Minseok explained, "He was returning from practice and he stopped by for a drink at my place. We chatted for a minute and he left. I was just locking up the cafe too when I heard a loud crash behind me. And there was Chanyeol on the ground bleeding and. . . unconscious. . . .  right in front of me." He paused, tightly shutting his eyes for a minute. "A car hit him because I spotted one zooming past me and well . . . . all I could do was call his friends."

"We've checked and I don't think there are any major injuries," Junmyun assured. 

Depends on what you call a major injury. I glanced at Chanyeol's wound, raising a brow. 

"I was right there with him and I couldn't do anything to save him." Minseok Oppa whispered, his lips curled into a guilty frown. Junmyun smiled, shaking his head, "No, hyung. Chanyeol is lucky that you were there to help him."

"Why isn't he waking up?" I asked Minseok oppa anxiously. "Did he hit his head?"

He shook his head. "No, I think it's just a mild concussion."

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