Chapter 23

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I'm so excited to write about their final year! Especially with Chanyeol as Head boy, and now that Mirae is so attached to him, I feel that things are turning interesting. Stay tuned!


After we'd met with other prefects and briefed them over their duties and schedule we came up with, we parted our ways and found the others all cramped up in one compartment. Just as we entered, Baekhyun started wolf-whistling and Junmyun pretended to throw non-existent flower petals. They saluted Chanyeol as if he had just made it out of war alive.

"Hi." I greeted Jinyoung with a kiss. "Sorry Yumi, I never got to join you. I forgot about the Head meeting. Hey, Baekhyun move aside, make space for me! Hello, Andrew, how were your summers?" I said it all rather quickly and they all raised their eyebrows at me in response. "Sorry I'm just a little bit distracted by recent events such as Chanyeol becoming Head boy."

Yumi and Andrew looked appropriately surprised by this but Jinyoung just laughed at it and said, "Wow, that's a blow to his reputation."

"Excuse me." I sniffed. Baekhyun and Junmyun nodded solemnly, eyes filled with sadness.

Jinyoung quickly explained. "As a notorious prankster, I meant. And since you, Mirae, does not have a prankster mastermind and have everything quality it takes to be a Head, so the honor is very deserving." He ended with a slight bow in my direction and I elbowed him in his ribs in amusement.

"You were absolutely the last person I was predicting to be chosen as Head Boy," Yumi announced. "Well except perhaps Baekhyun."

"I know!" Junmyun agreed, nodding along. "I mean I would have picked you, Andrew, before Chanyeol."

"Er... thanks?" Andrew answered uncertainly.

I threw a glance at Chanyeol who looked slightly uncomfortable, and it wasn't because he was cramped painfully between Junymun and Yumi. One look told me he seemed half-embarrassed and uneasy about the conversation going on. At that moment, I realized that it wasn't his choice that they picked him. I've never seen him do anything for extra credit so there must be other reasons that our Headmistress chose him and he's given no option but to go along with it. Maybe we shouldn't give him a hard time about it, or tease him, it's just as unbelievable and new for him too. So I added, "But anyway, as surprising as it is, I think he'll be good at it."

I earned myself a few stifled gasps from all the occupants of the compartment. "I do." I insisted and the subject was dropped.

The rest of the train ride was passed in the usual manner: catching up on each others' summers and stuffing ourselves to our throats. I was mostly the listener to all the hilarious tales the guys had to tell. It was nearly dark as we stepped into the campus building and I was beginning to feel all sad and nostalgic again with memories of our first day here rushing in my mind like a movie. I had been so excited when I first came here, though a little nervous but happy. Time sure flies. 

I didn't have much time to sort out my feelings when I caught sight of the juniors looking totally confused about the corridors and the sense of responsibility took over me. I hurried over to them and led them to the main hall where they were supposed to have dinner after Headmistress's address. I looked around for my fellow Head but he was nowhere to be seen.

Yumi and I found our seats and were joined by Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Junmyun shortly after. All three of them were grinning in a way that I'd come to believe was associated with mayhem and disaster and trouble and every other word like that. It made me frown at them suspiciously.

"All right, what have you lot done?" I crossed my arms, demandingly.

"What do you mean, flower?" Chanyeol answered with a carefully held innocent look behind his glasses.

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