Chapter 17

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Are ya ready? Here's one big chapter to make up for the long painful break! I'm saying sorry in advance to those who are expecting a drama.

Did you people give a listen to Chen's 'Beautiful Goodbye'? It's so soothing that there's no better cure. I mean this guy hasn't looked more handsome all life. Plus, the fact that he sang live in the M/V just made me love him more.

I wrote this chapter listening to these awesome hits : Beautiful Goodbye, KARD's Bomb Bomb, Rumour and MAMAMOO's Gogo bebe.

Can any of you suggest me some more? What's your favorite hit ever since 2019 started?


"Righ' yeah." He grinned. "Well, glad that's settled."

"Me too, because, I really didn't-"

But, my words were cut off once again when Chanyeol suddenly leaned down to my height and pressed his lips firmly against mine.

And it wasn't exactly a peck on the lips. It was more than that. I didn't even have time to react at first, it was just so sudden and abrupt. A short gasp escaped my mouth once I realized what was happening, my mind turning blanker by every passing second, and my thumping heart fell in the pit of my stomach. Just standing there and not doing the right thing made me feel kinda helpless but I don't suppose my mind was clear enough to take an action either way. To be honest, combination of so many emotions. At first, it felt like desperation? But then, it became a pure bliss, the feeling of ecstacy.

I stood there frozen in shock... at least, I thought I did. But when he finally pulled back, I was horrified to discover that my hands had somehow found there way around Chanyeol's neck. Does that even count as a voluntary action? His hand that was holding my chin lingered on my face for a second before it retreated.

I looked up to see him watching me with an idiotic grin on his face, the lushed haze in his eyes was in it's place.

"I-um," I started with my voice coming out as a dreadful croak.

Before I could clear my throat and continue, not that I had any idea what to say, he placed a finger on my lips.

"'ll be our li'l secret." he whispered, and with that he walked away. Yeah, he just did that leaving me stuttering, nervous and questioning my sense of control.

I stared at him for a moment before coming back to my senses. Can anyone believe what just happened? My heart leapt into my throat as I looked around quickly to check if any one had witnessed our - I could hardly believe the word- kiss. But no one was paying me any attention, no ogling, no hooting, no accusing glares. 

I tried to acknowledge that how relieved I was at this revelation. Letting out a large sigh, I leaned against the wall, thinking about what had just happened between us. Why, oh god, why? There were so amny things wrong with this--this kiss no so many levels that I don't even want to count them. My mind was bursting with all the possibilities if someone had seen us. What would I do then? He was drunk... but I wasn't. Here I was, laughing at the prospect of a drunk Chanyeol kissing one of the twins, thinking how hilarious it would be to watch it, little did I know, I myself, would become a victim of the joke. My mind was still a bit numb from the kiss. And my limbs had completely paralyzed.

I was soon distracted by Jinyoung with a lime soda in his hand. One look at his smiley, oblivious face told me that he was unaware of Chanyeol's and mine...uh...recent exchange. Another wave of relief swept over me. What drama would have happened if Jinyoung had seen us? I can't even bring myself to imagine that scenario.

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