Chapter 11

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I'm back! A whole lot happened in my absence but the best of all things was #JenKai coming out official! Love you both!

 Oh and Happy belated Birthday to Kyungsoo and Jongin Oppa!!! Sarangheyo!


Mirae- Italic

Chanyeol- Underlined Italic

Baekhyun- Bold Italic

Describe Mirae in one word? Any word, good or bad, but I really wanna know.


"You- You're his son."

A ringing silence followed my words, and I suddenly had the urge to take back my words but I resisted it. Junmyun continued to stare at me with the same terrified expression on his face and slowly bobbed his head up and down once.

I opened my mouth but no words came out. Honestly, I had nothing to say. My mind was still too numb with the fact that the person in front of me was the son of a criminal. I was shocked to my limits. His father was the one who had harassed his secretary. Who had smuggled all those illegal drugs? Whose riches had been declared corrupt? I shivered instinctively at the thought and Junmyun flinched as if I had attempted to hit him.

"If you want me to leave-" The bitterness in his voice brought me back to senses.

This is Junmyun we're talking about. He's still the same person. "No, don't be silly." I said firmly.

This seemed to take him by surprise. I guess he was expecting me to run and go screaming down the corridor. "Just give me a second, okay?" I asked and he nodded obligingly.

I took a deep breath and slowly letting it out, processing the recent disclosure: My-friend-is-the-son-of-a-criminal-thing. Shocked as I maybe, but I had to be there for him right now, he needed it. Instead of feeling scared or insecure, I felt foolish. Foolish for not realizing this earlier. He was one my first acquaintances here and I had patrolled with him for over a year. Friends don't usually miss such big things about each other.

He never did say much, always turning the conversation back to me. Then a horrible thought struck me. He must have found me so selfish! I always complained about my life as if I actually had problems and here he was... Well, what's done is done. 

"So, let's go start the rounds?" I asked hoping that my voice sounded normal. But he, again, gave me a half-shocked look.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He suddenly exploded and I took a step back. I think he's gone completely mad.

"You're not supposed to take a few seconds to 'think it over' and then go back to normal." He retorted with accusing eyes.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Well, do you rather I run screaming down the hallway and never come near you again? Sorry, that would be a little too diffic-" 

"No." He cut me off quietly. "It's just how most people react."

I instantly felt bad for him. Are people actually so shallow and cruel that they punish him for this? Something that's not even his mistake? Having such a problematic parent was sad enough but if you people start outcasting you, it honestly terrible. He must have suffered a lot if he thought that way.

"Is that how your friends reacted?" I voiced my concerns.

"What? No! Those two have been the most supportive guys I have ever met. They've never judged me for it. They help me to get over it. They kept my secret all the time and if anybody somehow found out and threatened me, Baekhyun and Chanyeol would beat the pulp out of them to keep them quiet. Chanyeol even offered me to stay at his place if I didn't feel like living in the same house as him." 

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