Chapter 15

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Thank you so much for 1k views! It took me by surprise and I've been on cloud 9 ever since. I hadn't even thought of reaching this milestone when I started writing. But it's a very refreshing gift in these boring days. I love you guys. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting on this worthless piece.

On this note, I would like to separately thank my most loyal readers:  @call_me_exol25  , @Kpoper_kim and @Elevn_S4M for always standing by me, being the first ones to read and encouraging me. Love you three! 

I couldn't be more thankful of all ofyou guys.


To say that Junmyun's life had become nothing but a torture would definitely be an understatement. He had become a victim of the judging stares and critical taunts where ever he would go, either be it classes, matches or even lunch. I tried to talk to him when we would do rounds so that he would he wouldn't feel down and know that we're standing with him. Some nights he'll be quiet, others he would be very expressive about his feelings and I tried my best to do some counseling. This adverse time had drained him up, quite literally.

Morever think I don't suppose I can be more impressed of the trio, seeing that they stuck with him like an annying bubblegum everywhere he went, shouting back at those who tried to put him down. I had directed Chanyeol to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't jump off the roof which was a possibility. He had become a joke, a subject of everyone's gossip. This revelation had affected his position as prefect too. Hardly anyone would listen to his orders now. Like tonight.

"Go back to your room right now!" He scolded irritatingly. "I warned you last night too."

The boy smirked humorlessly, pushing him back. "Huh, look who's talking."

Junmyun narrowed his eyes pointing at his badge. "Do you see this? I can give you detention if-"

"So what if you're a prefect? At least my father doesn't eat off others for a living. He isn't-"

"That's enough, boys." I said calmly. Junmyun backed away massaging his temples. He must be having those migraine attacks again. Raising an eyebrow, I demanded, "Are you leaving for your dorm or would you rather I call for Miss Jung?"

The boy rolled his eyes without making a move as if my statement didn't make a difference. "Go back, Now!" I exclaimed sternly trying to stare him down.

He cursed at me, grabbing his girl friend's hand and left mumbling, "One's an over smart slut and other's the son of a bitch. What a combo."

I looked at my fellow prefect who was close to screaming. I could only sigh tiredly, hoping things will be better for him.


Next evening found Jinyoung and I spending some quality time the library....working on homework. Hey, you don't have a choice when you have an extremely adorable boyfriend! But your cruel teachers wouldn't spare even one day's homework.

"This is insane." He cried out after skimming through the pages of his Organic Chemistry book, a funny yet incredulous look on his face. "They can't expect me to learn all of this."

I looked up from my stretched position to give him a sympathetic look. After laying my head back on his shoulder, I smiled saying, "They believe in your brilliant genius."

"Well, I must say, they're being very optimistic." He replied, still horrified.

"You'll do fine."

"Easy for you to say. You probably got all A+ right?"

"No." I scoffed.

"What? So maybe an A?"

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