Chapter Thirty Two

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The doors of the hospital opened harshly, and five parametric stood around Alicia and tried to revive her. The hospital staff got on their feet and run over to them.

"What's the case?"

The parametric moved back and looked at the doctor. "Shooting victim, a bullet wound to the chest, we can't get a pulse."

The doctor nods and looked down at Alicia. "It looks like it's close to the heart. Let's get her in surgery immediately." They wheeled the gurney towards the back, he turned to Emilie who followed behind them. "Ma'am, you can't go past this line. They will do the best they can."

"No, that's my wife. I can't lose her. I need to be there." She had tears rolling down her cheek.

"Ma'am, I am sorry, but you still can't go behind there. We will try to update you the best we can." He turned and jogged down the hallway.

Emilie made her way to the waiting room. She felt defeated that she couldn't protect Alicia. It felt like her fault. She should have never let the younger woman walk from behind her. How could one of the most amazing days of her life turn into the worst one? Emilie watches as doctors and nurses walked past her, her leg bounced, and she was becoming impatient. She didn't know what to do. The man that shot her Alicia was dead. Emilie had no one to blame but herself. She should have done better now. The bullet was close to her heart. She knew how serious the surgeries like this were one wrong move, and Amia was without a mother.


Emilie's head shot up, and she wiped her tears quickly. Ariel, Sanna, and Samantha stood in front of her. "Why are you here?"

Sanna walked closer to her. "What's going on?"

"I thought I asked you to stay with Amia."

Sanna took a seat beside her. "Your parents offer to look after her so we could have come down here."

"They took her to surgery, they shot her in the chest and they think it's close to her heart. The doctor would come with more information at some point." Emilie's mind started to fill with negative thoughts.

"I bought you some clothes and your phone. I have your Jeff on his way to guard." Samantha hands her the bag. "I thought you might want to shower and get changed out of the blood. I'm sure they will lend you somewhere to shower in here."

Emilie got up silently and walked over to the nurse station to ask. After being turned down a few times, she flashed a hundred dollars, and the nurse allowed her to shower and change into comfortable clothes and shoes. She walked over to the waiting room and handed Samantha back the bag and sit quietly next to them.

"Family of Alicia Delaurentis."

Emilie got up and rushed over to the doctor. "That's us. What's going on?"

"We successfully removed the bullet, but Alicia had a seizure during surgery and then she slipped into a coma before we could do anything."

"What do you mean, slip? Slip is when there's a wet floor and you slip on it. How can she just slip into a coma and you don't have a better explanation for it?"

The doctor cleared his throat. "She lost a lot of blood, and the seizure, we think, caused it."

"Think?" Emilie shouts, "Did you get a doctorate certificate from the corner store? Do you think? I don't want you as her doctor anymore."

The doctor smirks', "Well, you're not her remote family, so you can't make that call."

"Do you know who I am? Seems like you don't. If I have to buy this hospital to get rights for my wife, I will. You need to do what I say so you can keep this little job you got. Get me the best doctor in this hospital now."

My Date With A Billionaire (Rewritten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon