Chapter Three

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 Emilie tapped her pen on the desk. It's been one hell of a week. She's been getting everything ready for the Alexander McQueen fashion show.

The company wanted custom yellow canary diamond pieces for over fifty models. Emilie was busy with many things. She hasn't had time to contact Alicia in one week.

"All the pieces are beautiful. Good job team." Emilie nodded, getting her things.

"What should we do now?"

"That's a dumb question. Are you new? Secure the diamonds and make sure they're safe. My men will then deliver it to them."

"Yes, Ms. Ferla."

Emilie nodded, walking out of the building. She sighed loudly, got into her car, and called Alicia.

"Hello." Her voice spoke softly, bringing a smile to Emilie's face.

"Hi, beautiful."

"Oh, you remembered my number,"

"It is not like I have been super busy. I'm sorry, beautiful." Emilie could hear the attitude in her voice.

"Nobody is too busy, but it's whatever. What were you calling for, anyway?"

"I'm just calling to see how is my favorite girl doing?"

"I'm good. I'm at the gym right now.

"I called at the right time? I bet you're looking so sexy."

"Emilie, I'm not having this conversation with you. Anyway, how am I getting to you tonight?"

"Someone will pick you up, don't worry at 7." Emilie chuckled at her whining.

"Okay, so see you later." Alicia hung up the phone before she could've said anything.


Alicia walked around the school gym, making her rounds. It was now 5 pm, and she had to get home and get ready for the night. She clocked out, saying goodbye to her co-workers. She took her vibrating phone out.

Sanna Banana- I got your kid, and we're home, hurry.

Alicia hurried out of the building, hailing a cab. She didn't feel like taking the train today.

"I'm home." She shouted, walking into her apartment ten minutes later.

Hearing little footsteps, she leaned down, opening her arms.

"Mommy." Amia hugged her tightly.

"Hi baby, are your things ready?"

"Yes, aunty Sanna helped."

Sanna walked out of the kitchen, eating a sandwich.

"Okay bitch, you have 1 hour and a half to get ready."

"Sanna, you're eating my sandwich I was hoping to eat." Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, I was hungry, but you need to get ready."

"Shit Mia, go take out an outfit for you to wear." Alicia walked off to the bath area and got into the shower.

"I already steamed your dress and hung it up. I got you some shoes." Sanna sat on the toilet.

"You didn't have to Sa, you already bought me a dress."

"Don't worry about it, babe, just get the hottie to fall in love."

Alicia stepped out of the shower, Sanna following behind her.

"Okay, I'm doing your hair and makeup, so sit, because you only have an hour left." Sanna rushed her over to the kitchen.

My Date With A Billionaire (Rewritten)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن