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I AM REALLY SORRY If I get this whole part wrong. I tried googling the words that I was looking but I didnt know how to describe it in english. :(

Vic's P.O.V

It feels sort of crazy being back in school when just yesterday we were in the plane from Paris to here. But I guess thats how life is going to be with Kellin as yoyr boyfriend. I internally squeal at the word boyfriend. That's right! Nerdy Victor has a boyfriend. What I can't believe is how we made love and how right it felt. Though I had to remind myself to make it up for being such a naughty boy. But hey, who was I too complain? As if to be reminded of my absolutely perfect lover , I felt a pair of arms slid around my torso from behind and lifted me up in the air, spinning me around.

" Kellin ! " I giggled , trying to get out of his grasp but instead he held on to me tighter and burried his face in the crook of my neck .

"Kellin , we're going to be late ! " I whined.

As much as I love being in the arms of Kellin , I hated being late more. Espeacially when you walk in to a room filled with people and they just stare at you while you awkwardly find a place to sit.

"Alright alright , let's go whiney baby " He let go of me and walked ahead of me leading the way to the auditorium . Not even bothering to look back.

I'm not a whiney baby . I pout and dragged my feet behind him .


" Remember kids , no more smoking on school compounds. To end this assembly we have Tay Jardine and Jenna Mcdougall "

Everyone applaud them when they got appeared on stage , I too did because I'm not that rude.

" Hey fellow classmate and whatevers , uhh.. I'm Tay- "

"And I'm .. Jenna "

"And uhm, we're actually here because we have somethings we need to say to Vic " She paused .

I gulped knowing this wasn't going to turn out good. I felt my breathing hitched just knowing that whatever's about to leave that mouth of hers would be the cause of my deathe .

"I have to use the bathroom " I quickly shot up . Not wanting to hear what she has to say about me or how the crowd's going to respond to my dimwitness.

"Just stay for awhile, let's hear what she has to say" Kellin held on to my hand and pulled me so I was on top of him. I was quite uncomfortable with this considering the entire school was here but I did felt safe. Though something about the way Kellin was acting seem rather strange . I mean , if something like this happened on any other day , Kellin would practically slit someone's throat open ,yet he seems calm and is actually... smilling ?

I sighed and rest my head on his shoulder , eyes glued on the petite girl and her tall friend on the stage.

Tay cleared her throat and spoke into the mic,

"I guess what we're trying to say here is that we're sorry for being such an asshole to you. We only did it because we're low life scums that are jealous of all your royalness and beauty "

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Were they actually apologizing to me ? Though she seemed like she was reading out from cue cards and that's when it all clicked together .

It's not that hard to put it all together . Who else do we know that speaks like that? Pale skin, blue eyes , soft raven hair , heart melting smile , sexiest laugh , quaterback of the football team , anyone ?

" I can't believe you made them do this " I hit his chest lightly. A simple sorry would have done it. Though it would be preffered if it was a sincered one. However, a sorry's a sorry and I will accept it. 

"Wait, here's the best part" he held his finger up , eyes trained on them. I had a feeling whatever's about to happen next is not going to be good... for them , that is.

Jenna leaned in to the mic , embarrassingly she said ,

"We are big fat chickens , that's why.. "

Some mixture of feathers and something sticky poured from above where they're standing , covering them completely in it. Making them look indeed like chickens. Just as I thought the embarrassing part for them was over, I realized it has only begun because next thing I know the chicken music was playing and as we all know, there's only one dance that would go along with it. That being said , the whole school was laughing at them and recording videos.

Though they were cruel to me I can't bare to watch them suffer like this. Why? Because I know how it feels like to be humiliated. And what made me feel guilty was that this was all for supposingly for my benefit. I truly appreaciate Kellin trying to take revenge on my behalf but this was too much. I wouldn't wish for anyone to have to feel what I felt everyday before Kellin.

Quickly, I stood up and ran towards the control room , begging the technician to turn the music and the light on the stage off.

He seemed stoned but was sober enough to conprehend what I had just said, without being dufficult, he did exactly as I had plead .

"Tay, Jenna " I whispered-yelled , " come here , hurry ! "

They looked towards my direction with what seems to be gratefulness and ran towards me , concealing themselves from plain sight.

" I'm s-so sorry about this " I apologized , feeling guilty , " I promise you guys I d-din't know this was - "

Tay held her hand up to stop me ,

" Vic. After all the things we did to you, you still helped us? No Vic, you shouldn't be sorry . Infact , we should " she shifted her head to Jenna and Jenna nodded in agreement , " I can't believe we were such assholes to you , you clearly didn't deserve that. What happened just now , we deserved it. But never did I ever expect the boy that was so badly bullied to actually help his bullies. We are so sorry Vic . "

"You really are the biggest sweetheart ever " Jenna added with a warm smile.

And to be honest , I felt happy. Over the moon , completely out of this world. And there's only one person to thank.

I forgave them (ofcause) and head out of the auditorium to look for Kellin . It wasn't hard, he was casually leaning against the door waiting for me with a smirk on his face.

As I approached him I couldn't helo but grin ,

"You knew that would happen didn't you? " I hit his chest lightly , maybe flirtaciously even?

"Ofcause I did. " He grabbed my hand that was resting lightly on his chest and interlocked out fingers, "I just needed to give them a little push to see how much an angel you are "

I giggled at that,pribably blushing as well.  Oh boy, this boy really knows how to make a guy go all giddy.

" So Kellin... m-my family wants to meet the guy that stole my heart " I said shyly. I was afraid that he might think we're moving too fast. I mean, meeting the family?!?

He pressed his lips to my cheek,  "I would love to baby boy "

He is definitely a keeper . Let's just hope the family thinks so too.

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