AU: Obligatory AU's I really want

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- incredibly long crosscountry train ride AU.

- police procedural AU.

- bookstore AU.

- lawyers AU.

- reluctant teammates that save the world together AU.

- platonic living together AU.

- stuck-in-the-airport-because-the-flights-were-so-delayed-and-its-like-two-AM AU.

- sent to live with cousins AU.

- pretending to be siblings because of reasons AU.

- teaming up to rescue respective abducted children AU.

- pseudo-adopting-the-runaway-I-ran-into AU.

- forget high school students AU I want a high school teachers AU.

-law school AU.

- on the same college tour AU.

- trapped in a bank during a robbery AU.

- forced to share a table at the cofee shop a couple days in a row because crowded coffee shop and no room AU.


- medical school AU.

- ride the same bus together literally every day AU.

- vet clinic AU.

- I'm pretending to be ur bff u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting in you AU.

- college professors AU.

- on a train and the train is stopped in the middle of nowhere for some reason AU.

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