LANGUAGE: Don't overuse the word "very"

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Source: unknown.

"Words to use instead of 'very':

Very noisy - deafening.

Very often - frequently.

Very old - ancient.

Very old-fashioned - archaic.

Very open - transparent.

Very painful - excruciating.

Very pale - ashen.

Very perfect - flawless.

Very poor - destitute.

Very powerful - compelling.

Very pretty - beautiful.

Very quick - rapid.

Very quiet - hushed.

Very rainy - pouring.

Very rich - wealthy.

Very sad - sorrowful.

Very scared - petrified.

Very scary - chilling.

Very serious - grave.

Very sharp - keen.

Very shiny - gleaming.

Very short - brief. 

Very shy - timid.

Very simple - basic.

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