PLOT: Why is a good guy an antagonist

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 - They're afraid of being on the wrong side, and thinks it's better off for everyone if they don't prolong the inevitability of the Bads winning

 - They suffered at the Goods' hands and believes that they are going to do that to anyone not on their side. (Would they?)

 - They have a family member or a loved one working with the Bads and they don't want to believe they're in the wrong

 - They know as long as they're working with the Bads that they can control who stays alive

 - They don't like being controlled and feel that they'll have more freedom to save if they're working under the Bads' name

 - They owe a debt to a Bad for helping them out of a dark time

 - The Bads accept everyone and the Goods don't

 - They're trying to get money to help somebody

 - They don't see the point of working hard to regain the Goods' trust when they can help them from behind the scenes

 - A Good will be killed if they leave their job

 - They don't know that there's another life out there and refuse to believe it

 - They don't think anyone will believe them if they try to leave the Bads

 - they get severe anxiety when thinking about leaving the Bads and what might happen if they get caught

 - The Bads were all they had during a dark time and don't want to snitch to a side full of people they don't even know

 - There's a very real threat that simply showing their face to the Goods will get them killed

 - They were instrumental in killing or kidnapping a Good and feel too guilty to show their face to the other Goods

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