HOW TO: Alchemical Substances

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Cadmia - also called Tuttia or Tutty, most likely zinc carbonate

Philosophers wool - or nix alba (white snow). zinc oxide made by burning zinc in air. Called zinc white and used as a pigment.

White vitriol - zinc sulphate. Described by Basil Valentine. Made by lixiviating roasted zinc blende (zinc sulphide)

Calamine - zinc carbonate

Corrosive sublimate - mercuric chloride. First mentioned by Weber, who prepared it by subliming mercury, calcined green vitriol, common salt and nitre.

Calomel - mercurous chloride. Purgative, made by subliming a mixture of mercuric chloride and metallic mercury, triturated in a mortar. This was heated in a iron pot and the crust of calomel formed on the lid was ground to powder and boiled with water to remove the very poisonous mercuric chloride. 

Cinnabar or vermillion - mercuric sulphide.

Turpeth mineral - a hydrolysed form of mercuric sulphate. Yellow crystalline powder, described by Basil Valentine.  

Mosaic gold - golden-yellow glistening scales of crystalline stannic sulphide, made by heating a mixture of tin fillings, sulphur and salammoniac.

Tin salt - hydrated stannous chloride

Spirited fumans - stannic chloride, discovered by Libavius in 1605, through distilling tin with corrosive sublimate.

Butter of tin - hydrated stannic chloride

Galena - plumbic sulphide. Chief ore of lead.

Lead fume - lead oxide obtained from the flues at lead smelters

Massicot - yellow powder form of lead monoxide

Litharge - reddish yellow crystalline form of lead monoxide, formed by fusing and powdering massicot. 

Minium or red lead - triplumbic tetroxide. Formed by roasting litharge in air. Scarlet crystalline powder. 

Naples yellow or Cassel yellow - an oxychloride of lead, made by heating litharge with salammoniac. 

Chrome yellow - lead chromate

Sugar of lead - lead acetate. Made by dissolving lead oxide in vinegar.

White lead - basic carbonate of lead. Used as a pigment. 

Venetian white - mixture of equal parts of white lead and barium sulphate. 

Dutch white - mixture of one part of white lead to three of barium sulphate. 

Antimony - from latin 'antimonium' used by Constantinius Africans (C. 1050) to refer to stibnite

Glass of Antimony - impure antimony tetroxide obtained by roasting stibnite. Used as a yellow pigment for glass and porcelain. 

Butter of antimony - white crystalline antimony trichloride. Made by Basil valentine by distilling roasted stibnite with corrosive sublimate. Glauber later prepared it by dissolving stibnite in hot concentrated hydrochloric acid and distilling.

Powder of Algaroth - a white powder of antimonious oxychloride, made by precipitation when a solution of butter of antimony in spirit of salt is poured into water.

Stibnite - antimony trisulphide. Grey mineral ore of antimony. 

Wismuth - bismuth

Pearl white - basic nitrate of bismuth, used by Lemery as a cosmetic.

Chrome green - chromic oxide. 

Chrome yellow - lead chromate.

Chrome red - basic lead chromate. 

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