The Truth Untold -26-

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Jimin's POV

I knocked on Y/N's bedroom door after her mom let me into the house. It was around 7pm and we were planning on going up the hill to my secret little spot to discuss some things.

I have always been curious about her story with Minji but never mentioned it to her, as I was told to do so.

She opened the door and threw her arms up to hug me. The feeling of seeing her be happy sends shivers down my spine as she's truly beautiful when she smiles.

"Ready to leave?" I said and entered her messy room. She really is messy these days.

"Yes wait a second." she ordered me and started looking around.

"You're looking for something, aren't you?" 

"Have you seen my phone?" she bit her bottom lip from the nervousness.

I let out a chuckle and pulled up the covers on her bed to reveal her phone just thrown there. "What has gotten into you lately?" 

She shrugged in response and we finally left the house.

This time we went up the hill from the easier side without breaking into peoples' properties. Y/N threw herself on the bench and hugged a pillow for comfort.


My heart was absolutely racing.

I hadn't shared my story for a long time as it still makes me anxious. 

As soon as Jimin asked me about it, I took a deep breath in and started narrating it.


When Minji and I were really young, around 5 years old, we became best friends. This friendship lasted for many years as our moms used to hang out a lot as well.

We'd share everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. 

I'd share my secrets with her, my food, my stuff and she did the same.

At some point it was funny when we fell for the same boy when we were 10 years old. We were sending him love letters confessing our love for him.

But as time flies, people change.

There was a happy time when it was me and her against the world.

She decided to change that and make it her against me.

We were 15 and we had started becoming friends with other people as well, talking to boys and basically becoming mature. Or that's what I thought.

It's normal and healthy for people to have best friends and others just friends but Minji took it too far.

She was jealous of me, she thought she'd lose me to somebody else and that obsession turned her evil and manipulative. She'd try and learn my secrets, not too hard though because I still considered her my best friend, just to back-stab me.

There was a boy that I liked from the school that we went at and I'd try my best to get him to like me. I'd flirt slightly and dm him, just basically becoming his friend and when I told Minji I knew there was something fishy going on as soon as she laughed.

I asked her what was that laugh for and she responded saying she'd try to help me.

I smiled thinking how nice and supportive she is but little did I know she seduced him right in front of my eyes and kissed him.

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