Caught Off Guard -22-

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Jimin invited me over to his place after dance class. His parents were there which made me a little shy and overwhelmed. Only his sister knew about us mainly because Jimin and her are really close.

I knocked on the door and his mom welcomed me. "Y/N! Welcome, come in!" she said cheerfully.

I smiled politely and greeted her back and ran to Jimin's room. I entered without knocking and there he was. Shirtless. Lifting weights.

I closed my eyes shut and backed outside closing the door on my way out.

"No no wait!" he yelled and ran to me.

"Put a shirt on." I said holding my hand up to cover my eyes.

"Why are suddenly flustered? It's not the first time you've seen me like that."

"I thought you have a specific place to lift weights and work out and I was a little shocked." I said and uncovered my eyes.

Sweaty abs and messy hair on Jimin. What a lovely sight that is.

"See? It's not too bad." he said and caressed my cheek. "Admire me!"

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Go back in." I said and pushed him slightly back into his room.

"Make me." he smirked.

He's so kissable.

I bit my lip and threw myself all over him kissing him. I closed the door and locked it with one hand without breaking the kiss.

He grabbed me tightly around my waist and kissed me back passionately.

His tactic definitely worked. He obviously had planned it. Me entering his room while he was working out in there? Such a scam.

I had stress over his mom interrupting us but on the other hand I had to be dedicated to him and focus on the moment.

His strong hands were pressing my fully-clothed body on his naked one and I was grabbing the back of his head to stabilise myself and push him against me.

I was on my tiptoes because of the height difference even though I wasn't too short and he wasn't too tall.

He pinned me to the wall and started kissing my neck and my collarbone leaving wet marks all over those areas. I let out small moans and my breathing was heavier.

And as expected, someone knocked on his door. "Jimin!"

"Damn it." he whispered. "Who is it?"

"It's me!" said his sister with her cute voice. "Can you open the door?"

"Yes wait a minute." he told her and grabbed a shirt to put on.

I sat on his bed and took my phone out of my pocket and pretended to be cool. I clearly wasn't.

He opened the door and Yerin was outside with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

How long had she been listening to us?

"What do you want Yerin?" Jimin sighed.

"I have given you something mine and  I'm here to take it back because it's been a week!" she said and walked in.

"Hey. Remember me?" I said to break the ice.

"Of course I do, we live next to each other and you're always around." she said and I blushed.

"What's the thing you want?" Jimin interrupted us.

"Close the door." she ordered him.

Jimin closed the door shocked and sat next to me on the bed. Yerin locked it and stood right in front of the bed.

"Listen up." she started. "I heard mom coming upstairs and I had to interrupt you somehow. I knew a couple wouldn't just be in a room making productive conversations."

"What do you mean, don't we make productive conversations?" I said offended.

"Were you?"

"No, but we do in general." I lowered my head.

"Anyways, I heard mom say she'd come upstairs and do the laundry."

"This is why you caused a whole scene?" Jimin said and shook his head.

"Would you like to get caught?"

"No, thank you."

"My pleasure. Here she is." she lowered her voice and we heard their mom come upstairs. "Let's do something."

Jimin opened his closet as fast as he could and brought out a board game. In 5 seconds we had opened the game, and got it ready.

Mrs Saerin knocked on the door and entered. Clearly she was surprised that Yerin was with us playing games. "Are you having fun?" she asked us.

"Obviously." I smiled. "Your kids are great."

"You are even greater." she praised me and left the room.

A few moments of silence had passed and Jimin decided to break it. "Did she really call you greater than us?"

"Well yeah." I flipped my hair sassily.

Jimin leaned in to kissed me and Yerin was shooketh. She looked the other way and made noises. "You can't hold it in your pants, can you?"

She got up and exited the room, leaving Jimin and I alone again.

The urge for whatever we had before was partially gone and we decided to put Netflix on his TV and cuddle.

Meanwhile his mother was still upstairs but breaking it off whenever she came in was easy.

Whatever he does to impress me doesn't make me love him more. But it's part of being with someone. You try to impress them at first but then you get comfortable with them and yourself.

It's still early to judge.


hey loves

hope you liked this chapter

don't forget that I love you



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