Chapter Five

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Riza Hawkeye walked with Petra into the hospital. They had received word from Guila's father that she would be fine. The surgery had been a success but she wouldn't be coming back to school for awhile.

They entered the waiting room and a little boy ran up to Riza and hugged her knees.

"Zeal!" called Guila's father.

"I knew you'd come to see my sister." Zeal smiled up at the two women.

"Of course." Riza smiled.

"You can go in and see her." said the kid's father. "She's awake right now. The police were just here to ask about the window."

"Thank you so much." said Petra.

Zeal ran back to his Dad as the teachers went inside the small white room.

Guila lay on the bed, her eyes closed. Her face was pale but better than when she had been taken away earlier today.

"Guila." whispered Petra.

The girl's eyes opened slightly.

"Hello." she said. "Why are my teachers here?"

"We wanted to check on you." said Riza taking a seat next to the bed.

"And you also wanted to know what happened." said Guila.

Petra and Riza nodded.

"I was just walking with Jericho when I heard a breaking sound. Jericho didn't because she was complaining loudly about the boy she likes." Guila frowned. "Cracks appeared on the window. I watched as they grew larger and larger. There was no reason for it. Then it shattered. Jericho was standing in the way and I shoved her away. But I couldn't move fast enough for myself."

"There was no reason for the glass to break?" said Petra.

Guila nodded.

"I don't understand." muttered Riza. "That glass is new. It got replaced over summer break because someone hit it with a baseball. Also I heard the police say that the glass was on the inside and the outside. As if there was an explosive inside the glass causing it to fly in every direction."

Petra frowned. This didn't make sense.

They waved to Zeal as they left. Neither of them said a thing as they walked to the restaurant they were meeting their friend at.

But only Roy and Levi showed up.

"Where are the others?" asked Riza sitting across from Levi, next to Roy.

"Mike and Nanaba decided to go on a date by themselves." grinned Roy "Hughes wanted to see his daughter. And Hanji forgot to grade her classes homework."

"Again!" sighed Riza. "She's really hopeless."

"You can say that again." said Levi who had just gotten back from the bar with their drinks, which Roy had ordered earlier.

Petra took her's as Levi took the seat on her right.

"Okay. Remember everyone." Riza held out her hands before they could take a sip of the alcohol. "It's a school night and we cannot have hangovers tomorrow. Principle Smith would have our heads."

"Got it." Roy laughed. "Now lets see who can hold their liquor."

Petra laughed as he downed his drink and ordered another round for everyone.

Levi rolled his eyes.

"If that's really what you want to do then fine. But you should know that Petra was the best at this in collage." Riza pointed at her friend before chugging her drink.

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