Chapter Four

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"Where are we going?" asked Elizabeth.

Elaine just smiled and took her hand.

"Don't worry." she said. "The Seven Deadly Sins are like a gang that cares about the students of the school. They don't hurt anybody unless it's necessary. They just want to make sure you don't mean anyone harm."

"I don't get it?" Elizabeth tilted her head in confusion.

"I know." laughed Elaine.  "It's stupid. Anyway they just want to talk to you. And I'll be there the whole time so there's nothing to worry about."

Elaine led her around back, to a very tall old fence covered in plants. Elaine pushed aside some leaves revealing a hole which she climbed through.

Elizabeth was a little nervous, but curiosity got the better of her. Maybe this was stupid but she couldn't help it.

She followed Elaine.

On the other side was an abandoned building. It looked like a school. The grounds were totally overrun but there was a beaten path that led to the back door.

"This way." Elaine pointed at another path that led to a large playground.

Sitting at the very top of the bars of the jungle gym was Ban. He waved when he saw them.

"Is that safe?" asked Elizabeth.

"The playground?" said Elaine. "Yes. It started to break last year, but they fixed it. Well, we fixed it with our free time."

"So you're a member of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"Oh no." chuckled Elaine. "I'm just a friend to some, a sister to one, and a girlfriend to another."

"Who are the members then?"

"Well two of them don't go to this school anymore." explained Elaine. "Escanor graduated last year, so we are 6/7, and Gowther transferred to another local school. He constantly cuts classes and comes here. The rest are: Meliodas, he's not here right now because of reasons they'll explain to you; King, that's my brother; Diane, she's one of my best friends; Merlin, she is also not here but she looks after Meliodas most of the time; and lastly, Ban."

"He's your boyfriend." stated Elizabeth. "It a little obvious. You guy are pretty cute together."

"Thanks," Elaine blushed the tiniest bit.

They reached the playground. Most of the plants had been beaten down just around it so they could goof off on it, and no one could see. There were only two people there. Ban jumped down from the bars and leaned against them grinning at Elaine. It sounds kind of creepy, but the look in their eyes made Elizabeth turn her gaze away. Diane was sitting at the very top of a slide, looking down on them all.

"Where's King?" she asked.

"He's inside with Armin." answered Elaine. "Actually, I thought you were also inside Diane."

"I was, but Howzer was being a pain so I climbed out the window and ran here."

Elaine sighed and took a seat on one of the swings. Ban moved to stand behind her and she leaned against him.

"What did you want to see me about?" asked Elizabeth.

"Right." Diane slid down the slide. "This might be weird, but we have to know. Do you know anyone named Liz Danafor."

"Um not personally." said Elizabeth shocked. "She's the reason we moved here though. She's a very distant cousin."

"Have you ever met her?" asked Ban.

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