Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: The characters I chose for Mikasa's parents are from Attack on Titan: Before the Fall. They are not Ackermans I just gave them the name so I could use them. I do not own them either. Also I recommend that manga. I love it even more then the original.

Mikasa walked down the stairs and saw Petra making breakfast.

"Let me help you." she offered.

"Thank you." Petra smiled. "Could you grab the juice from the fridge and set the table."

"Sure." Mikasa said.

Levi came down two minutes later and took over the cooking from Petra. When she protested he told her to go wake Edward up.

Petra smiled and left the room. Levi told Mikasa to turn the TV on while they worked. She turned it to the local station where a reporter was standing outside a large building. The reporter was Dreyfus, the father of Griamore, one of the students at the school.

"So far, the guards have found no clues as to how the prisoner escaped." he was saying. "The man was responsible of the death of Angel and Maria Ackerman. Also due to the accident, their young nephew Edward Elric, lost his right arm and leg. Their daughter Mikasa was lucky and escaped with nothing life threatening. But she lost both her parents. At the time the police said it was an unfortunate accident, but an anonymous person told us that it was intentional. That is why the man known as Envy was sent to prison for life. But now he has escaped. I hope that the rest of the Ackermans are safe and will be protected."

Silence filled the kitchen as the two siblings stared at the TV with matching expressions.

Mikasa couldn't move. The memories of that day came flooding back into her head. The sound of her mother laughing, Edward complaining about the song and leaning forward to change it, her dad telling him to sit back and be safe. Mikasa looked out the car window and saw a bus driving straight for them...

"Mikasa!" Levi snapped shaking her by her shoulders. "It's okay."

The dark haired girl nodded.

"I'm going outside for a second." she whispered.

Levi nodded. She passed Petra and Edward who asked what was wrong but she didn't answer.

The front door slammed behind her and she walked onto the lawn and sat down.

Why hadn't they been told that it wasn't an accident?

Just then she heard her name being called. Looking up she saw Eren running towards her.

She remembered that day in the hospital. She was finally able to have visitors. Eren had practically pushed the nurse out of the way to see her. Mikasa hadn't said a word since the accident. She hadn't even let herself cry. But as soon as Eren appeared, every wall broke. She wrapped her tiny arms around his ten year old frame and sobbed into his chest. They stayed like that until he had to leave. She had shivered at the cold and he gave her a red scarf. The same one she still wore today.

"Are you okay?" were the first words out of his mouth when he reached her. "I heard about the prison break."

Mikasa nodded.

"I don't know how to feel." she muttered. "Should I be scared that he might come after me? Should I be angry? And if so, who with? The government for not telling me? Or him for killing my parents. I don't know Eren!"

Her best friend sat in the grass next to her and put an arm around her shoulders.

"You're asking the wrong person." he muttered. "I can't help you on this one. Not that I help you much anyway. You're always the one helping me."

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