Chapter Three

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Winry watched while Ed argued with Ban.  She thought that Ed was a complete idiot. Ban was the tallest guy in the school and couldn't help but look down on people. Ed, the moron that he is, takes it as a jab at his height.

Winry sighed and looked at the silver haired girl sitting next to her. She looked pretty gloomy.

"What's up Elizabeth." Winry asked.

Before the girl could answer, someone dropped into the seat on the other side of Winry.

"I'm so tired." the boy complained laying his head on the table.

Winry laughed and ran her hand through Eren's hair.  Armin was about to sit down next to him. Instead he ran over to Ed and Ban and made them stop fighting.

"Where's Mikasa?" Winry looked around.

It was so rare to see Eren without his bodyguard.

"She had to talk to her brother." he opened his gorgeous turquoise eyes and looked up at her.

"I feel so sorry for Levi sometimes."

"Why?" asked Elizabeth.

"Oh Eren this is Elizabeth Liones." Winry introduced them. "This is Eren Jaeger, one of my oldest friends."

"Nice to meet you." Eren smiled and Elizabeth returned it.

"To answer your question. Our math teacher Levi. He is Mikasa's much older half brother. He looks after her and he also takes care of Edward." Winry explained.

"Why Ed?"

"Why me what?" Ed appeared behind them and pushed Eren out of the way so he could sit next to Winry and she would stop combing Eren's hair.

"Why is Levi taking care of you." Elizabeth asked him directly.

"Oh!" frowned Ed. "Because he's my uncle. My Mum is traveling and she took my little brother with her."

"I know." laughed Winry at the look on Elizabeth's face. "It's not complicated at all."

"Hey Win." Eren said. "Armin, King, Arthur, and I are going to go to the river. You wanna come. You're welcome too Elizabeth."

"What about me?" asked Ed.

"I'm assuming if Winry comes you'll be there." grinned Eren. "Seriously when do you guys plan on sealing the bound and going out."

Ed turned beet red and was about to start yelling when Winry stood up, grabbed her water bottle and started to beat Eren about the head with it.

"YOU COMPLETE IDIOT!" she yelled.

"Right. I'm sorry!" cried Eren. "I'm sorry."

Winry brought down the bottle again but someone stopped it. She looked up to see Mikasa's cold blue eye's glaring at her.

"What are you doing?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"Trust me," muttered Winry as she sat back down. "he deserved it."

"I did." said Eren rubbing his head. "But that was full of water. It hurt."

"You guys are all so violent." worried Elizabeth. "What if one of you got hurt?"

"You should have seen Meliodas." laughed Ed.

"What do you mean?" asked Elizabeth perking up at the mention of the mysterious blonde boy.

"He and I would fight all the time." he said.

"What about?"

"Their height." teased Winry.

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