Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: Okay so in this chapter there are mentions of Meliodas's Mother. They never talk about her in the anime though and I didn't want to pick someone in the other two options I had. So she is a character I made up. And thanks to the help of my friend reikiAaron_ , we gave her a name. Lily Miragold. The picture above is of her.

The six year old, black haired boy watched his brother run around. He frowned and continued to poke the ground with a stick.

"Zeldris, go play with your brother."

A beautiful woman with golden hair and emerald eyes walked over to him carrying three crepes.

"I don't want to." he muttered. "He doesn't need me."

"Don't be ridiculous." the woman laughed. "Of course he needs you."

"No he doesn't. Nobody needs me." Zeldris frowned. "Estarossa has Daddy and Meliodas has all his friends."

"Well!" the woman set the crepes aside and lifted him up so he could sit on her lap. "What about me? I need you."

"No you don't." Zeldris felt tears in his eyes. "Children need there mothers but mothers don't need their kids. You could leave and not feel any grief!"

"Zeldris!" she cried and turned him so she could see his face. "Who told you that?"

"Estarossa." he whispered in surprise. His mother almost never got made.

"That's no true." she cried. "I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you so much. I promise I won't ever leave until I know you don't need me."

Zeldris started to cry. His mother pulled him into a hug.

"Don't believe everything your brother tells you." she whispered. "He likes to play jokes on people."

"Is Brother okay?" Meliodas had run up looking worried.

"He's fine." Their mother assured as Zeldris continued to sob into her chest.

Meliodas frowned then leaned in and hugged his brother.

"I love you Zeldris." he said. "Please don't cry."

The woman pulled away and gave the boys the crepes she had bought.

"Here." she smiled. "These will make you feel better."

"Why would you say something like that?" the woman yelled. "Do you honestly believe that a mother does not need her children."

"Depends on the mother." Estarossa smiled.

"What about me? Are you talking about me?" she cried.

Estarossa didn't answer. He just stared down at his mother's tiny figure.

"How could you say that?" she gasped. "I need my children! I'm not just going to run off like you seem to think! Your brother thought I would abandon him. He thought that no one needed him!"

Estarossa frowned at his mother. She looked nothing like him. She had the same colouring as Meliodas and was built like a bird.

"I'm sorry Mother." he whispered and knelt down. "I promise I won't say anything like that to Zeldris again."

Just then the twin boys opened the door. They saw their older brother kneeling in front of their mother.

"What's going on?" asked Meliodas.

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