Chapter Twelve

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"Hey Elizabeth!" called Meliodas catching sight of the silver haired girl. "What are you doing after school today?"

"Um," she looked flustered at the fact that he had called out to her. "Winry wanted to take me to her house."

"Okay." Meliodas looked around and when he spotted the other girl he called her over.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Do you and Elizabeth want to go on an adventure with the members of the Seven Deadly Sins?" he grinned at them. "Gowther is even coming back for it."

"Sure." Winry's eyes widened. "Where are we going?"

"We are going to go inside the old elementary school." Meliodas grinned.

"What?" Elizabeth gasped.

"Isn't that place haunted?" frowned Winry.

"Yeah." the shorter boy put his hands behind his head. "Have you ever heard the story about why they closed it and built a high school next to it?"

"I've heard rumors." answered Winry as Elizabeth shook her head.

Just then the bell rang.

"Tell you what." said Meliodas as he started to leave. "Ask Armin. He know's all about this kind of thing. Okay?"

Without waiting for a response he ran off.

Winry turned to look at her friend to find her almost trembling in fear.

"Hey." Winry cried and touched her shoulders. "Don't tell me you believe in ghosts?"

"N-n-no!" stuttered Elizabeth.

Winry laughed and hugged her.

"You know, between the two of us. It feels like I should be the one who is afraid of ghosts." the blonde sighed as the memory of getting hit in the face by someone she couldn't see, sent a tremor through her hands.

The girls headed inside arms wrapped around each other but before the reached the entrance, Winry tripped and almost fell down.

Lying on the ground was a teenage boy with black hair pulled into a ponytail.

Eren and Ed had rushed over when they saw Winry stumble.

"Oh my god!" cried Elizabeth. "Are you alright?"

"So hungry." the boy groaned.

Elizabeth quickly opened her bag and took out the lunch that her sister had made and offered it to the boy. He sat up immediately and ate the whole thing in just a couple of seconds.

"You must have been starving." said Winry pulling out her own food.

"Stop!" came a sharp voice.

They all looked up to see a pretty girl with dark hair and a pale face. She was also glaring at the boy sitting on the ground.

"Come on Lan Fan!" he cried. "I was about to get more food."

"This is no way to act on your first day in a new school." she snapped.

"Um, who are you?" Ed asked the girl. "And who's the freak."

Elizabeth blinked and when she opened her eyes again, the girl had Ed on the ground in a chokehold.

"Don't call him that!" she hissed.

"Lan Fan!" cried the boy. "Let the little boy go. Also remember what you are wearing"

The girl gave him a confused look.

"High school mini-skirts." the boy said slowly.

The girl jumped to her feet and realized she had just flashed everyone.

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