Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: There is a quote in this chapter but I did not come up with it. Only the beginning of it.

"I killed our Mother."

The words echoed around the room. They ringed in Zeldris's ears.

But they didn't make sense to him. There was something wrong. How could they be true?

"Don't kill Mummy!"

The words crashed through his head. He remembered one night a month after Lily Miragold vanished. Meliodas was having a nightmare and he screamed those words. Zeldris had blocked them out.

"He doesn't believe me!" Estarossa laughed. "He always was an idiot, just like our mother.

Zeldris rushed forward and punched his brother in the stomach.

"You killed my mother!?!?" he yelled. "WHY?"

"Because she deserved it!" Estarossa hissed in pain and stumbled back.

Zeldris cried out in anger and hit his brother again.

Merlin pushed Arthur back and they both pressed themselves against the opposite wall.

Merlin watched the fight and her eyes widened when she saw that Estarossa wasn't fighting back. He was waiting for his brother to tire himself out.

"Zeldris!" she cried trying to warn him.

Too late!

Estarossa through Zeldris off him and stood up.

"Is that all you got?" he jeered. "Well I shouldn't be surprised. You were always the weakest of us brothers."

Zeldris struggled to his feet and rounded on his brother.

"Tell me why you killed my mother!" he glared.

"She wanted to leave me and Dad." he answered simply. "She wanted to take you and Meliodas away."

"So you killed her because of that?!?!" Zeldris yelled. "Didn't you care about her happiness at all."

"Why would I?" he asked. "She didn't care about mine!"

"SHE DID!!!" Zeldris screamed.

He tried to hit his brother. Estarossa blocked him easily and delivered a punch to the smaller boy's head.

Arthur rushed forward and kicked Estarossa in the back almost making him fall over.

"Stay out of this Punk!" Estarossa snapped and smashed Arthur's head into the wall making him pass out.

"Arthur!" Merlin cried.

She rounded on Estarossa, fury blazing in her eyes.

He laughed and tried to grab her. She dodged easily and hit his side.

When she was younger her father would take her on some of his trips. She would stay a military base sometimes and she had some of the people teach her some moves.

Estarossa turned his back on Zeldris and squared off with Merlin. Zeldris took this opportunity to attack. He punched his brother in the back making him stumble forward. Merlin swung a kick and hit his face.

Estarossa roared in pain and grabbed Merlin by the neck so fast she didn't have time to react. He swung his leg and swiped Zeldris's feet out from under him.

"Stay down!" he said.

Zeldris forced himself to his knees and didn't look at his brother

"How could you do that to her?" he whispered. "She didn't deserve to die."

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