Chapter Twenty-Five

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Merlin slowly began  to regain consciousness.

First thing she noticed was that she was very cold. Second, she was slumped against a wall and all her weight was being supported by her wrists which were in chains.

Her eyes flew open and she saw the stone walls of what she guessed was a basement. She glanced down and saw she was still wearing her purple vest and black leather pants.

Then it came back to her.

She had been walking into one of the office buildings Meliodas's father worked at when she ran into Estarossa. She had gotten really annoyed at him and told him his Dad had killed his mother. Estarossa's face had gone pale and he lunged for her. She had struggled until she felt a small prick on the back of her neck.

"Ah! I'm glade to see you awake."

Speak of the devil. Estarossa walked in with a sick grin on his face. He walked right up to her and leaned in so their noses almost touched.

"I love when you look at me like that." he said. "Such distaste and hatred."

"Let me go Estarossa." she growled. "My father will have your head for touching me."

"Only if he finds us." he chuckled. "Which he won't."

"Are you sure?" she smirked.

"Of course." his eyes hardened into ice. "No one found my mother's body after I killed her."

"What?!?!" Merlin gasped completely shocked, dread filling every bone in her body.

"You were wrong." he said. "It wasn't my father who did it. It was me."

Her body went numb. She could not understand what she was hearing.

"Not even my Dad know's she is dead." he said. "He never believed what Meliodas said. I'm pretty sure Meliodas stoped believing after a while."

"Why would you do that?" Merlin asked her voice barely working.

"What do you mean?" he looked at her surprised. "My mother was a terrible person. She didn't listen to my father, she didn't love me or my Dad. She planned on a divorce and she wanted full custody of my brothers. She wanted to run away with them. She didn't even plan on taking me. Not that I would have gone."

"So you killed her for that?" Merlin cried. "Her life sucked so she wanted to leave but you wouldn't let her."

"My father was too lazy to do it so I took control." Estarossa started to pace the room. "It was one of the best days of my life. I had someone kidnap her right in front of Meliodas. He believes she died because she never came back. Then she was brought here."

Merlin struggled to get out of her bonds but they wouldn't budge.

"I watched her bleed out right where you are now." he looked at Merlin.

Then his eyes darkened and he kicked the wall.

"She was an idiot." he hissed. "She wasn't even mad. She was in so much pain but she fought so hard to keep it off her face so she could smile at me. She thought I'd realize that this was wrong and I'd let her go. She was so stupid."

Merlin was now furious.

"You Moron!!!" she yelled. "I knew your mother for only a short time. She was one of the nicest people I've ever met. And if there is one thing I knew about her, is that she loved all her children. She loved all of you. But she couldn't reach you know matter how hard she tried. You were so wrapped around Daddy Dearest's finger. How could-"

Merlin's head whipped to the left. A burning sensation spread across her right cheek.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Estarossa hissed.

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