Quick Note Explaining Story Layout

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Copy my work and you'll be in deep shit. Sorry, but its true.

All Rights Reserved for moi.

Anywaysss.... a quick rundown of how the story works.

The questions at the beginning of the chapter don't have much to do with the chapte itself, as the boyfriend tag is very abrupt in asking questions like 'when did u know i wa the one?" Like, I need to build up a story before the 'pair' are already together. The question on each chapter is more aimed at the little quotes written in Italics before every chapter commences. They are basically filming the tag, and the story is like a flashback to 'their love story'. Also, instead of writing it if I'm changing the POV, the text will automatically turn to third person, in the characters POV. If you don't get it, you'll understand it when you start to read, don't worry.

So basically, this story is the memories a couple is going through as they do 'The Boyfriend Tag'

And I made a few of the questions up.

It is a Spin-Off to 'He'a A Bad Boy', but can be read alone. It'll feature characters from the other book.

(OMG, to all the readers of HABB, i'm so excited to show you the casting of future Nate and Abbie. I personally think they are perfect omg)

Anyways, Enjoy lovelies <3

Rösä (i really don't know what the dots mean, I just think it's cool)


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