Question 2

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First Impression?


"I honestly didn't think I'd see you again after our first meeting, and it honestly made me kinda sad, cause I thought you were so cute."


"Hello, will you guys open the door? I forgot my keys" I banged on the door for the fifth time. My mum would probably be home at this time, so the lack of response was ordinary. I cursed myself for not remembering the keys, as now I stood outside my house in the cold evening, shivering in a thin shirt.

It was a another few minutes or so before I heard the padding of footsteps walking up to the door. There was the clicking sound of the door being unlocked before I saw my mother's grimacing face pulling the door open. She looked horrendous, with her brown-grey hair sticking out in multiple directions. Her face was barren, only with smudges of last nights makeup. There was a time when she looked her age, where her blue eyes gleamed with life and energy. That was before smoking and alcohol took a grip of her life.

"Did Dad come home yet?" I asked her, walking down the hallway to the laundry and shoving in the dirty clothes.

"Who knows where that bastard is?" she took another huff of her cigarette on the back porch, looking out at the lifeless view. All you could see from our backyard were miles and miles of trees. Our small house was located at the top of a sloped town, and our house was at the end of a street which sat directly behind a forest. My mum's favourite hobby was to smoke and drink and enjoy the view while she took pleasure in her unhealthy activities.

"Why are your clothes... That?" My mother narrowed her eyes accusatively, dropping the cigarettes and stomping it out. I gulped.

"I spilled food on my clothes, and someone lent me this" I said casually. I didn't even have to try and persuade her that I wasn't lying. That's the way it was in my family, we didn't really put and effort into being a family. We didn't eat together, say 'I love you' all the time. In fact, we were the opposite of any of that. Our family was held together by thin threads of string, surviving merely because we only had no other safety net to fall back onto. My dad constantly got fired from jobs because of his laziness and foul mouth, and we lived off the few dollars he and my mum made a day (If my dad has a job that day). My mum is bartender at night, hence why she was at home during this time.

I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed face first. Evan's face kept coming to my mind, no matter how many times I tried to clear my head of him.

"How was your job?" My mum's monotonous voice floated in from the other side of the door. I grumbled, unsure of whether I should tell her that I'd already failed.

"It was awesome. I'll go back tomorrow" I lied, before mushing my face into my pillow and groaned.

I'll have to find another job.


I took another bite of the delicious pancake as I flipped through the magazine. Due to the lack of money in my family, I didn't have a laptop. We sold it. Well, it was more like I sold it so I could get myself some new clothes. My old ones were getting too small and tattered. Looking through magazines that were lying around in cafes were the only way to hunt down a job.

Down the street to where I live, there was the most amazing little cafe, tucked away at the corner. I loved it here as I could get some of my alone time. Breakfast time was usually a very quiet time for this place. It was called 'Maggie's Delights' and the food sold here made my mouth water. And, to my advantage, the prices were very reasonable. I was busy cleaning up every last bit of maple syrup on the plate, when a certain ad caught my eye. Placing my fork down, I looked closely at the ad.

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