Question 13 - Part 2

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I'm basically swamped, so i have limited time to actually write, i apologise!
Lol remember guys that this was supposed to be a christmas party okay 😐😐

(LOLA ^^))


"Tis the season to be jolly!" Willa exclaimed, squishing my cheeks as though forcing a smile on my otherwise glum face. I felt out of place, amongst the many unfamiliar places at Willa's party. I greeted everyone politely, though wishing I could disappear in my mind. After becoming exhausted with the constant fake smiling, I gave up and slumped into a deck chair, resigning for the day. Willa had found me hiding and sat down beside me.

"Come on! I want to introduce you to more of my family" she encouraged enthusiastically, tugging at my hands. But I refused to budge.

"I just need some air" I requested, and she finally gave up, retuning back indoors. I heaved a sigh and studied the luxury, a tinge of envy colouring my emotions. I lay back down on the deck chair and stared off at the glistening water, the view instantly calming me. Behind me, I could hear visitors piling into Willa's house, the more people I could hear, the more on edge I became. Looking back, my eyes found Willa's, and her eyes looked at me pleadingly, wanting me to come our and meet her friends and family. Sighing, I hauled myself away from the comfort of my solitude. Sliding open the doors to her house, I caught everyone's attention and blushed.

"Aurora!" Willa exclaimed seeing me. I gave an awkward shrug, and smiled at the large crowd. Then Willa swiftly took a hold of my hand, pulling me through the crowd. "Ooh! You have to meet Aunt Lola! She's getting married soon!" I didn't have the heart to tell her that my hand ached as she clung onto me, weaving into the kitchen.

"Willz!" Exclaimed a gorgeous woman, looking in her late 30s, letting go of her SO's (I'm assuming by the way he kept looking at her) hand to embrace Lola, and I quietly stood off to side. Letting go of Willa, her attention turned to me. "You must be the notorious Aurora!" She chimed, making me frown. It also confused Willa as she blurted out "Notorious?" Quite loudly. The brunette lady chuckled quietly and held out her hand.

"I'm Aunt Lola and this is my fiancé Victor" she said, gesturing at the guy beside her. He gave me a nod in greeting, which I politely returned, then shook her hand.

"Why am I notorious?" I dared to ask, glancing at Willa for any clues. Aunt Lola just chuckled and gestured behind me, leaning against the kitchen bench. Still as clueless as I was before, I swivelled around and was shocked to see Brayden and Evan. They reciprocated that feeling as Brayden's eyes immediately widened. What shocked me even more was seeing Brayden in casual clothing. No suit, no tie, no gelled back hair, just a plain white tee, black pants and his hair lazily pushed back.

Evan, on the other hand, rushed over to give me a one-handed hug, his other hand occupied with gifts. "Aurora! Why are you here?" He chuckled, asking me the same thing I was wandering. "If I'd known you were coming, I'd brought you a present too!"

"Wait, you know each other?" Willa butted in and I nodded to her, my heart rate spiking dangerously. Oh god, I called her and ranted about these guys to her.

"Yeah she works for Grandma." Evan spoke up.

"You know Mags!!?" Willa said, completely astonished. I nodded feebly.

"They were the ones I was at the fundraiser with" I said weakly. Willa was confused for a second or two before she put the pieces together in her head. She looked from me to the boys and then gaped open her mouth.

"They were the ones you.." She trailed off, though I knew exactly where she was headed, and again, managed a small nod.

"We were what?" Evan queried, and my eyes darted to Brayden's for the first time. He gave me a weak smile, obviously remembering what had happened the last time we had met, which definitely did't end to well.

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