Chapter 29 (Visiting again)

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(((((Dustin's POV)))))

So, we are gonna once again attempt to swim at Tyler's house. His parents aren't home, so I guess we can scream all we want. "Is everybody ready!?" Adam screamed from downstairs, resulting in screams yelling 'YES!'. I would tell you what people are wearing, but it's just a jumble of bathing suits, so... Yeah.

"Meet at the car!" Adam yelled. "I CALL SHOTGUN!" I sang loudly, running downstairs and out the front door.

°°· Time Skip of 'Are we there yet's·°°

"Woo!" I called out as I landed in the cool water. "Shiiiieeeett that's cold." I complained. Bodil just laughed. "I'm coming in!" Bodil kinda laughed as he jumped in. After a matter of seconds, everyone was in the concrete pool. All the people were kissing each other, awkwardly leaving those without lovers kinda sitting in the corner. (XD I had to have some wierd make out session happen at one point)

"Can you guys get a freaking room for your wierd make-out orgy?" Ghost said. I started laughing so hard with everyone I almost balled. It was just hilarious with how many people's cheeks went red.

"Ghost, OMG, that just made my day." I commented, putting my face in my hands. And once I removed them, I was tackled by Merome and Skylox as a whole. "Vdud djhbdbdhbvdhh" I gargled underwater. They finally let me up, making me laugh up water onto the grass beside the pool. "Oh, Uh, we didn't mean to, ya know, get water in your lungs." Mitch nervously chuckled. "Yeah, sure ya didn't, you Canadian whore." Tyler said in his Janet voice, making everyone raise an eyebrow, except Bodil, who, of course, laughed. "Hey, if you want I can make some French toast." I suggested.

"No, I need to make it, yall are visiting." Tyler denied. "Fine, but just know that my French toast brings all the boys to the yard." I taunted. Tyler just rolled his eyes, got out of the pool, and walked inside. "I'm gonna go help him." Shelby mumbled, getting out of the pool. (My auto correct made pool into car. I'm just gonna not question it.) "So... what are we gonna do in the meantime?" I asked. "Maybe we can talk about when Dustin will get a boyfriend." Molly teased. I  blushed extremely hard and looked down.. She was the only one that knows I'm bi, but I guess everyone knows now. They all giggled. "Fuck all of you." I yelled. "You wish you could!" Ty said. "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!" Adam laughed. "Bae, that was an amazing comeback." "No problem boo." "You two lovebirds done yet?" I asked. "Nah, I think we're about to strip." Ty teased again. "Damn, you have some comebacks today." Mitch commented. "MMMMHHHHHMMM." Ty hummed. We all laughed.



Ships Come True (A Skylox and Merome/ASFCanadian Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now