Henry Bowers

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"Gave you love, put my heart inside you
Oh, what could I do"

     Henry Bowers was the most despised throughout the school, he was the school bully after all. You were always the kind and logical type, figuring there had to be some reason for him to act out in such a way towards others. Your kindness was all too much when you approached him one day, fully of confidence, and there was no backing down once his eyes set on yours.

     He was leaned up against his locker, his gang surrounding him and giving you strange looks. You didn't care and offered them all one of your signature smiles, "Henry, do you mind if I talk to you for a moment?"

     Oh, how bad he wanted to make some snarky remark about the way you looked or how you talked. But he couldn't come up with anything, he was simply in a trance while staring at you. His gang looked at him expectantly, but he only waved them off and got off of the locker. You both walked out of ear-shot distance before he spoke up, "What do you want, Y/N?"

     "I want to go on a date with you, this Saturday. Movies or arcade, your call." He was shocked, completely fucking shocked. In fact, Henry had no words. "Alright, I'll take that as a yes. See you then." You wink at him before walking away, making sure to sway your hips as you walked, knowing he was watching you do so.

"When you started talking in your sleep, saying things you'd do to me
I didn't care, I wasn't scared"

     After an official seven months into your relationship, both of you were comfortable to basically show up at each other's houses in pajamas to spend the night. He showed up late to your house one night, around one a.m. Henry crawled through your window and without a word, got into bed with you and curled up to your side.

     You could tell from his uneven breathing and his tight grip on your waist, that he had been crying. It clearly meant that his father had hurt him before he came over. You roll over and rest your head on his chest, pulling him closer to you. In no time, he was fast asleep. It didn't take long for his soft snores to fill the room.

     "Nothing... Y/N..." he mumbled in his sleep. The fact that he said your name of course gained your attention. "Kill you..." You were beyond shocked hearing that, but thought nothing more of it than just a crazy dream. Soon after, you fall asleep in his arms.

"I'm in despair
Should I be scared?"

     A year's worth of nothing but love and devotion should allow Henry to know he was your one and only. It didn't change the fact that every time he was around you, he either said harsh things to make you feel less like yourself, or he was holding you too rough for any matter of affection. Things he was saying were beginning to make you feel a certain way, because they sounded more like threats as the days went on.

"Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
You were comforting and quiet,
How did love become so violent?"

     Henry clearly wasn't himself any longer. You didn't know if it had to do with the abuse he endured from his father on the daily, or the image he was imagining himself to be of which he wanted to grow into. He wasn't the boy you loved anymore. But really, you were terrified to tell him that. It was as if you were stuck inside of this dead relationship, that would only end in pain and despair.

     You couldn't take it much longer, calling to him for a talk in private. "What's wrong?" He asked you, instantly in a defensive tone.

     "Henry, this— us, we aren't working out anymore. I think we should—" Before you could finish your break up statement, he strikes you across your cheek, leaning a stinging reminder that you were in fact trapped.

"Oh, teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
Everything was so sweet,
Until you tried to kill me"

     Since that day, you couldn't bring it up with him at all. Any chance you got close to saying the words 'break up', he would hurt you or verbally abuse you until you cried, sometimes both just for the spite of his power over you. Bruises covered your arms and legs, you felt like you were going insane stuck in this relationship.

     Out with it, you forced yourself to stand strong against him. "I'm done, Henry! Done!" You shout at him, dealing with his issues for the last time. You turn the front doorknob, but before you could leave his house, he throws a bottle of his father's alcohol at you. It shatters against your arm, leaving shards stuck in your skin where you began to bleed profusely.

     "Y/N, why couldn't you just love me longer?" He screamed at you, pinning the blame on you for this entire mess. You wouldn't have it any longer though, ignoring the throbbing pain in your arms and rushing outside. Henry chased after you holding a knife in his hand. "Come back here, bitch!"

     You get to your car quick enough, but he caught up before you could unlock the doors. He takes a full grasp of your hair in his hold, putting the knife at your throat. "I love you so much, Y/N, I love you..." he cried, thinking there was no choice but to end your life. If you couldn't be with him, you couldn't be with anyone.

     You weren't about to give up that easily though, kicking his legs out from underneath him and hitting his knife out of his hand at the same time. When he falls to the ground, you hurry inside of your car and use the old car phone to dial the police. In no time, they arrive and put him in cuffs. Henry shouts profanities at you as they take him away. You didn't understand where it all went wrong in your once loving relationship.

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