Beverly Marsh

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You stayed after school to help the art teacher prep for the next project in class. He had to run to the store to grab some supplies on short notice, and in the mean time you decided to work on a project of your own. Art came naturally to you. With each brush stroke, beauty was laid upon the canvas. Within mere minutes, an entire image was shown.

Beverly entered through the back doors of the school, coming back only to retrieve her belongings when she passed the art room. She heard the soft hum and gained curiosity, walking further into the room until her gaze rested upon you working away at your canvas. She was entranced by the image, two beautiful women who seemed to be in love, by what she made out of it.

You turn around to dip into some white when you looked up and noticed her. Your eyes go wide and you accidentally knock over the bottle of white paint, spilling it all over the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Beverly was quick to apologize, putting her bag down and walking across the room to get paper towels.

"No, no, it's fine. I just— I didn't expect anyone to be there." You blush immensely, hoping she wouldn't catch onto your image. By the look on her face, it was already out in the air. Beverly remained quiet though and instead began to help you clean the mess, "I know it looks weird—"

"It looks amazing. I'm not really an art person, not at all actually, but it's beautiful." She cut you off, not allowing you to criticize yourself so harshly or paint a false image of what it truly was. "Girls, huh?"

"They're just easier to paint than men." You use a blatant excuse that she of course didn't buy.

     "Right, yeah, I believe that. It's just... you put so much detail into that one tit, I couldn't help but to assume—"

     "It's not like that. I'm not like that." Despite being called out numerous times, you still felt the need to defend yourself against these claims, even if they were true. Beverly was very observant though, so she wasn't as easy to fool as your other classmates.

     "Well, that's a shame. I was hoping you'd swing my way." She winks, throwing you completely off as you were left mouth agape in astonishment and blushing immensely. "Anyway, Y/N, is it? I actually do have two tickets to a horror movie tonight. My friend bailed on me, so whether or not you're into girls, would you like to come with me?"

     "I'm so totally into— down. I'm down." You nod, sighing of defeat and finally admit to her. She was clearly a person of no-judgment by this point. "You caught me."

     "I know. Red-handed." She points to your hand with a dried red paint stain on it. Ironic. "Guess I'll see you at our date then. Eight o'clock, babe."

     "R–Right." You didn't know the type of confidence this girl had and how she chose to express it so freely, however you weren't going to complain, as it had just landed you your first date with a girl.

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