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     Out for a lovely evening on the town, Stanley and Bill walked hand in hand down the sidewalk and passed the shops. It was way passed closing time for most of them, and the two men were about ready to call it a night. They walk just ahead of a small alleyway, simply walking passed it until soft cries could be heard from the alley, bringing them back towards it.

     While Stanley was skeptical of finding the source of the crying, Bill walked head on into the situation. A small child was curled behind an abandoned buggy, surrounded by littered trash. She was too caught up in her sobbing to notice Bill now towering over her. He looked up to meet Stanley's worried eyes, waving his husband over.

     Bill crouched to the child's level, keeping his distance though to not startle her. "H–Hey, sweetie. Are you lost?" He got her attention, slightly spooking her, though he didn't mean to. She takes a moment to respond, shaking her head no. "Where are your parents?"

     "M–My mommy left me here." She whimpered, her bottom lip sticking out as she strained herself to not cry out again. "She doesn't w–want me."

     This news shocks both men. Stanley grew agitated, not with the girl, but with her story. He didn't understand what low-life parent could abandon their child in an alleyway like this. As if him and Bill had the same thought to offer her their kindness, Bill spoke up to the little girl again. "It's okay, it's okay. What's your name, sweetie?"

     "May." She answered softly.

     Bill gives her a fond smile, "I'm Bill, this is Stanley. When was the last time you've eaten?" He asked the girl, earning a shrug in response. Bill stands up, holding his hand out for her to take. "Come on, we can get you whatever you'd like tonight." May hesitantly reaches for his hand, standing up with his help.

The couple takes her to the restaurant of her choice, where she ate almost her entire plate in less than ten minutes. Occasionally Bill and Stan would exchange glances, speaking with no words, but thoughts. They both instantly cared for the child in front of them and ironically were talking about adopting one of their own earlier that day. It seemed like it was almost fate for them to find May.


After legal action was taken care of, she was officially their daughter. Stan and Bill couldn't love her any more and constantly spoiled May, making sure she wouldn't remember the state she was in months prior from now. And for the most part, she grew onto them quickly and never even mentioned her past mother abandoning her.

Stan helps May complete a puzzle while Bill prepares spaghetti dinner for them in the kitchen. She picks up the last piece and puts it in its place. Stan straightens it out and then smiles to his daughter, holding his hand up in exchange for a high five. "We did it, papa!" She squeals in excitement.

The sound of pans crashing could be heard from the kitchen and Bill rushes in. He and Stan share the same stupid-looking smile. "She called me papa!" Stan cheered, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as he quickly grew emotional.

May was confused by their reactions. All she knew was that Stan was beginning to cry, and she associated crying with sadness and immediately grabbed his larger hand with her small one. "Daddy, he's crying!" May looked at Bill, causing the man in the apron to almost faint after hearing the words come from her mouth.

Stan scoops her into a hug, waving for Bill to come over and join them. "I'm not sad, honey." He reassured her, "In fact, I am so, so happy. Thank you."

"For what?" Her face twisted in confused, making them both chuckle.

"For being here with us, we love you." Bill spoke before him, wrapping his arms around his entire world.

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