Richie Tozier

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Trashmouth Tozier, is what they called him. And he surely lived up to his name. Using foul language around adults and perverted pick-up lines on 'the babes', as he called them. He sat next to you in Biology and made sex jokes way too often during class. Others found him to be annoying, but in a way, his carefree nature made you laugh and smile.

Not that you knew, but Richie lived for it everyday, making it to fourth period with you, just to be able to make you smile. He found the sight to be absolutely breathtaking. So when he found himself being the cause of your laugh, he took a moment himself to stare upon your beauty without being recognized.

Richie's only problem was, he couldn't find a way to talk to you directly. He didn't want to mess up any chance of getting with you by saying something inappropriate, how he always does, and scaring you off. Any attempt he's tried building up the courage for, was washed down the gutter the second his eyes were laid onto you. Speechless, nervous, and absolutely panicked— Richie didn't know how to approach you with normal demeanor.

You came into class late today, handing your excuse to the teacher before taking your seat next to Richie. You flash him a smile, greeting the boy kindly. One of the many reasons he adored you so much was for your sweet persona, always managing to spread your positivity. He plastered a goofy grin over his own face, sending it back to you. Richie mentally cursed at himself for looking a fool, while you giggle lightly and start taking notes.

As the teacher had their back turned to the class, Richie made his first attempt of the day to speak to you. He wondered if this one would go as bad as the others, or if he should go ahead and put it at the top of his 'failed attempts' list. "So, uh, Y/N," he began, folding his hands together nervously and toying with his own thumb subconsciously. "How about you and I get some alone time in after school?" Richie wiggled his eyebrows.

When you give him a slight smirk, shaking your head, he knew that was the wrong attempt. But it was somewhere, he couldn't deny. And now, Richie was confident to try again. "I'd do a lot for just you and your time, hot stuff." He spoke up again, moving his arm around the back of your seat.

"Perhaps you should be paying attention?" You suggest teasingly and quirk a brow, fully aware of what Richie was trying to accomplish. He blushed at your response and removed his arm from your chair.

"I'd tap that?" He sounded unsure of himself, not knowing what else to say.

"Richie!" You whisper-scolded at him, lightly smacking his arm. He bit his bottom lip, shrugging shyly. "How about a date first?"

His brown eyes light up at your mention, not knowing why he didn't just ask that in the first place. "O–Of course!" Richie couldn't contain the large smile on his face or his reddened cheeks, "How's seven this Friday, Princess?"

"Sounds perfect."

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