I love you

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Corey's one-time pets tried walking over to him but he wasn't interested. He realized that they were just using him, even if he didn't want to admit it then, and it angered him. Sure all he wanted was to just have a good time with no strings attached. But they had used him to make her miserable. It sickened him, especially remembering all the things he'd said and done to poor Mia.

"Do you understand now?" James quietly asked his old friend.

"Yeah. I'll never be able to apologize enough." Corey replied, thinking of Mia.

Mia had stripped out of her very dirty clothes and immediately hopped in the shower. She was icky and sticky and desperate to get the filth off her. As she stood there, she started to realize what the hell had just happened. Since opening up to James she began socializing, she began feeling more confident in herself, she began building solid friendships with others, her self-esteem started increasing, and she was even sticking up for herself.

As she stood in the steamy water, she also realized just how James impacted her. He made her feel safe for the first time since her mother had passed away, he made her feel loved, wanted, a part of something, he made her feel beautiful, exhilarated, and confident. Hearing soft laughter, she snapped her head towards the sound. James was standing in the door way watching her.

"You've been standing in that same position, staring at the wall for a good five minutes. Something wrong?" He gently stated

"Just thinking is all." She replied, giving him a warm smile through the see-through shower curtain

"Can I join you?" He asked, returning her smile

She moved the curtain so he could enter and watched as he quickly stripped himself of his clothes. Climbing into the bathtub, he immediately pulled her to him. She loved the feeling of his skin next to hers. 'Care to tell me why you were so lost in your thoughts?' James whispered in her ear.

"I came to realize how you've changed me.... and how you've impacted me." She quietly replied, leaning her head on his chest

"Oh? Is that a good thing?" He asked, running his hands through her wet hair

"It is a very good thing." She replied, kissing his chest as the water ran down it

"Wanna elaborate?" James asked, cocking his eyebrow at her as he smirked

"I just got to thinking... I'm making friends, honest friends because of you. I'm starting to feel a bit more confident and I'm slowly starting to stick up for myself." She started

"Go on." He urged, running his hands over her wet, naked body

"Then I started thinking about how you've impacted my life." She whispered, turning around in his arms to look him in the eye

"I'm still listening." He stated, leaning down to kiss her lips

"James for the first time since my mother died, I feel safe and loved. You make me feel beautiful and wanted..." She quietly stated

"I'm glad I make you feel that way, Mia." James whispered, kissing her lips passionately, "Want to know how you make me feel?"

She smiled sheepishly at him as he ran his hands over her body again.

"You make me feel confident too, like I can do absolutely anything. When I'm with you I feel... I love you." He breathed

"Wh.... what?!" She exclaimed, having not heard those words since her mother died

"Mia, I love you. I love everything about you, I love the way you make me feel, I love the way you look at me, the way you kiss me, the way you...." James trailed before she silenced him with a soft kiss

"James, I.... I love you too." She whispered, blushing

They finally remembered why they were naked in the shower and quickly washed up to get out. As Mia dried herself off James couldn't help but noticed that she had a glow about her. He couldn't help but watch her, how she moved, how meticulous she was and think that she could be the one he finally settled down with. But those are thoughts for another time. They were going to spend all day in bed starting now.

He gently placed his hands on her hips as she was straightening out the covers. She stopped immediately and relaxed against his warm body. "Weren't we going to spend all day in bed?" he asked before kissing her neck. She nodded yes and allowed him to gently push her down onto the bed. The action made her giggle as she rolled over. She found him looking at her affectionately and smiling. Returning his smile, she motioned for him to join her in bed. It didn't take him long to oblige and wrap her up in his tattooed arms.

He trailed kisses down her body as she ran her hands through his damp hair. Then he kissed and nibbled his way back up her body, stopping briefly to suck on her nipples, before kissing her passionately. The rest of the day they spent making love and cuddling. Nothing could possibly be better than this!

"Mia?" James asked quietly as they realized the sun was setting

"Hmm?" She asked, using her index finger to make invisible designs on his chest and stomach

"I love you lots." James whispered

"And I love you too." She whispered back

A/N: This is the end of this story, folks! I hope you've enjoyed it!

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