Getting comfortable

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"James?" Mia whispered

"Yes Mia?" Jim replied

" I'm sorry." She whispered back

"For what?" He questioned

"For causing problems in your band." She stated, shame dripping from her voice

"Doll Face you're not the problem so quit blaming yourself. Those whores he's with are tainting him." Jim slowly replied

"You mean a lot to me." Mia said, voice barely audible

"You mean a lot to me too, Doll Face. Have you thought more of your boundaries?" He questioned, kissing her cheek

"Every time you kiss me, I feel funny." She giggled

"Well that's a good thing. I think." He chuckled

"I'm not too comfortable with most of your bandmates." She confessed

He steered the conversation back to her boundaries because he really needed to know what he was "allowed" and "not allowed" to do and where. She didn't want to kiss in public but didn't mind hand-holding. Cuddling was ok on the bus when there wasn't a lot of people around. Everything else was pretty much off limits at the moment. He knew she was a virgin so the fear of the unknown was probably driving most of this for her. He didn't mind though, he would wait forever if he had to. She was an untainted flower, beautiful and rare.

Corey was fuming about the fight he had just had with his so-called best friend. In front of Clown too! James had threatened him, which he'd never done before, over a girl. It wasn't unusual for Jim to get protective over his partner but this was different. Was Jim right though about his little pets? Were they really behind everything? The more he thought about it the more he began wondering if they were as manipulative as Clown suggested they were.

Up until recently Mia had never spoken to anyone in the band except at their initial meeting. She never hung out with any of them. Why would she pick a fight with the girls then? The girl wasn't a fighter, she didn't seem to do anything except her schoolwork. Sighing heavily, he wondered if his new companions weren't the root of evil after all. Since James started looking after Mia he had started finding himself eating with just his girls. None of the other guys wanted to sit with him anymore. Of course, part of it was the fact that they were always all over him like hungry dogs on a piece of meat.

Corey woke up in his bunk on his "new" bus. He missed his friend and no piece of ass should have come between them. And yet it has happened. He couldn't shake what Mia said. 'Daddy, please stop!' kept playing over and over in his head. He had rattled something that he shouldn't have and now he was actually feeling guilty.

"Get off me!" Corey angrily stated, pushing the girl away

"Corey! Come back to bed..." She purred

"Get dressed and out of my bunk." He harshly replied

He went to relieve himself and get a cup of coffee. Paul was already up and he thought Craig might be awake in his bunk too. Mick was still sound asleep and he'd prefer to keep it that way. Even Paul was giving him bad looks. Sighing heavily, he sipped his coffee and stared out the bus windows. How had he let things get so far? He was missing his best friend immensely and the opportunities to hang out with him. Hell, he missed playing video games with Chris but no one really wanted anything to do with him anymore. All he had were his little fuck buddies.

"When are we gonna stop for breakfast?" The second one asked, plopping down next to him

"Another fifty miles." Paul coldly retorted

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