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Mia made her way back up to her room. There were so many thoughts and ideas running through her overactive mind she thought she'd never make sense of anything. Corey found her.... unattractive? boring?...... not worth his time. And yet Corey's best friend continuously showers her with attention. Plopping down on her bed she thought over all the reasons she had been attracted to the singer in the first place.

He was a very gorgeous man. He has a wonderful sense of humor. He's smart. She thought that he wasn't shallow like most other people. Guess she was wrong about that! Most of those qualities he still possesses. But now she knows he's a jerk who's going through a second adolescence. Does she want that? Hell, can she handle that? After debating these questions for a while, she decided that she couldn't, nor wouldn't, handle that bullshit.

She wanted a man. A stable man who wasn't as shallow as Corey seemed to be. A man who would be her best friend, her confidant, the one she told her darkest, deepest secrets and desires to. A man who would stand up for her. A man who would comfort her whenever she needed it. A man who would look after her and treat her like a Queen.

But that man was nonexistent. There's no way she'd ever find someone like that. It just wasn't possible. As she passed by the full-length mirror in her room, she got a good look at herself wearing some of the clothes Joey had purchased for her.

She did look a lot different than what she would normally dress herself in

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She did look a lot different than what she would normally dress herself in. Then she remembered the look on James' face when he saw her for the first time dressed like this. His eyes just about popped out of his head!

James. Sweet, kind, understanding James. Why had she let him get her to open up to him like she had? Why was it that she trusted him so? Just because he was kind with a soft voice wasn't any reason to open up so much to the guy! Man, she was so confused! She started thinking about what Clown had said earlier: '...there are other, more deserving people, who deserve your attention.' What had the man meant by that? The more she thought the more confused she became.

Perhaps she needed to watch the band more closely. They always talked to one another, right? Maybe one of them confided in Clown something personal. If she can study the guys maybe she can figure out who it was. But did that mean someone in the had a thing for her? Surely not! Not her. She was plain, simple, and was nothing like the other college students. Why would anyone like her? Sighing heavily, she fell back onto her bed. Suddenly last night flashed in her mind.

"Do you know how beautiful you looked tonight?!"

She only blushed and looked down at the drink in her hand......

"I'm serious Mia. You're a beautiful woman. Any man should feel lucky to call you his." James whispered

She couldn't say anything so she downed the drink he'd given her. Silence filled the room. He turned on the clock radio and they found it was on some soft rock/easy jazz station. He poured them another drink since they hadn't quite got the opportunity to relax and have a good time at the bar. A few drinks, and still silent except the radio, later both were feeling a wee bit tipsy.

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