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Clown was awaiting the young, very bright young girl to come downstairs for breakfast the following morning. He had spoken to Joey after James and Mia left and was informed of some very interesting things. It bothered him greatly that Corey and Jim were not only getting into audible fights but it had escalated into physical fights as well. It bothered him more how the singer was with the other two college students. He looked up just in time to see Mia coming downstairs with Jim wearing what she had gone out in the previous evening.

"Good morning Mia." Clown exclaimed as she timidly sat down

He noted that Jim had found a table not too far away from them.

"Morning Shawn." She quietly replied

"Listen, there's a few things I wanted to talk to you about. I'm sure you know that Corey and Jim are fighting. From the looks of it you've gotten into a fight with someone yourself." He started out before taking a sip of his steaming coffee, "A little birdy told me that you have feelings for Corey and that he doesn't even remember your name. He also told me about what's been happening on your bus the past few weeks."

"Shawn, I don't really understand why they've been fighting. It all started out between the other two and me. Somehow James got involved and I'm not even sure why... Mia trailed

"May I take your orders?" The waitress asked, seemingly coming out of nowhere

The pair told her what they wanted to eat before continuing their conversation

"Mia, we are a weird group of individuals. Corey's going through a second adolescence. At least that's my theory since he's the only one of us to feel the bitterness of divorce. Everyone else is either married or single." Clown told the girl

"I see. Like all teenage boys he's after the big tits and easy chicks." She stated, more to herself than to the older man sitting across from her

"That's one way of putting it. If I were you, I'd let go of whatever you're feeling for him. If he's not interested then your feelings for him are a lost cause." Clown stated, giving her hand a light squeeze, "Besides there are other, more deserving people, who deserve your attention."

"What do you mean?" She questioned

"Think about it and the answer will come to you." Clown slyly stated

They talked about her projects and her opening up more to Joey and Chris. As they ate breakfast and chatted, Corey and pets arrived downstairs. Mia took a deep breath knowing what was coming. The trio sat down at a booth not too far from her and Clown. Shawn kept a close watch on her to see how she was going to react. Joey, Chris, and Sid made their way to Jim's table as Corey's pets began getting loud and obnoxious.

"How's the loser slut this morning?" One of the girls yelled out

Mia didn't say a word, just finished up her breakfast.

"Aww, don't have anything to say huh? Well we all know silence is the same as admission." The other one laughed

Mia excused herself from Clown before walking off to towards the bathroom of the hotel restaurant. Jim watched her walk off and cocked his head. He was sure something was up but didn't know what. Clown was getting tired of the other two but kept that to himself. Besides if they tried getting them thrown off the tour Corey would throw a tantrum and drive them all nuts. Mia came back a little while later and gave Clown a broad grin.

"Excuse me miss, you left your Gonorrhea medicine in the ladies' restroom." The restaurant manager told one of Corey's pets, making Jim's whole table burst out into loud laughter.

Clown looked at Mia who only shrugged and stated, "You'd think people would wait to take medications like that until after breakfast."

Her statement made not only Clown laugh but the manager, who'd miraculously overheard her, their waitress, and Jim's whole table. Corey's pets glared at her angrily. Corey threw a fork at her, which hit Clown in the back of the head. Mia giggled and then gave Clown an apologetic look.

"I'm really sorry but that was kinda funny." She stated, trying to suppress her giggles

Clown winked at her then stood up and turned to Corey, who'd gone white as a sheet. He knew there were only three people in the band you never, ever, ever fucked with: Mick, Craig, and Clown. And his fork hit Clown directly in the back of the head! Seeing how nervous Corey was, was all Clown needed. He sat back down and grinned at the still giggling Mia.

Corey's pets were absolutely seething at what Mia had done. They excused themselves from Corey, taking their drinks with them. As they passed by Mia and Clown, they dumped the entire contents of their glasses on her, making her scream at the chilled liquid. James snapped his head towards her to see the pair of little twits walking off laughing. Clown was mortified by their actions and Mia seemed.... lost in thought, stunned.... Clown couldn't quite place how she was feeling.

"Are you ok?" The manager asked

"I want you to throw that man and his two companions out of the restaurant." Mia explained calmly

"They dumped their full glasses on my friend here." Clown piped up

"I see. I will have them escorted out of the restaurant right away, Ma'am." He stated, giving her a small smile

Corey pitched a bitch about being thrown out of the restaurant before getting his breakfast. He tried getting Clown to talk to the manager but Clown refused, telling Corey to keep better control over his girlfriends. Corey huffed in anger and took off. Sid seemed taken aback by what he'd witnessed and Jim seemed a bit relieved that the little twats had pulled a stunt like that in front of Clown, Joey, Sid, & Chris. Now they would get a better understanding of what was actually going on!

"Excuse me Mia. Corey and I are going to have a very long talk. Thank you for having breakfast with me." Clown stated, putting money down on the table to pay for their breakfast

"Thanks for asking me." She replied quietly

She sat alone at the table a few minutes before Joey appeared and asked her to sit with them at their table. She gave him a broad smile and picked up her glass. Sid questioned her about the incident so she finally broke down and told the foursome everything. Even Joey seemed shocked at what she'd told them. She just shrugged and said that Clown was "having a long talk with Corey" and that she wasn't too worried about anything anymore.

Jim immediately noticed the change in Mia. Was she getting over Corey? Did he have a chance? She seemed lost in her thoughts so he opted to leave her alone. They guys were discussing what to do today since it was their last day off for at least another week. They'd decided on going bowling and then mini golfing. Joey invited Mia but she declined, saying she had some things to take care of but would love to go see a movie or something that night. All agreed and said their goodbyes. Jim took the opportunity to give her a hug, which he found she gladly accepted.

A/N: Hmm. Think Mia is finally seeing Corey for who he is? ;)

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