Near blows

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"Bitch, you're the only thing Jim cares about anymore." Corey exclaimed, letting a low growl emerge from his throat

She just stood frozen in his grasp, eyes wide in fear. The memory of the last time he turned his anger to her was still quite fresh in her mind. Whether Corey knew it or not, she was very frightened of him.

"He thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread, you no-name, stuck up bookworm." He growled, squeezing her arm so much she whimpered in pain

"P...please s.... s..... stop." She cried

" You afraid of me? No good, worthless little bitch!" Corey exclaimed, raising his hand and slapping her hard across her face

"Daddy, please stop!" She screamed, making him stop in his tracks

"What?!" He questioned, unsure if he heard her right

"Please stop Daddy!!" She cried, silent tears streaking down her pale cheeks

"What the fuck is going on?" James bellowed angrily

"Jim, um, there's something seriously wrong with her." Corey timidly exclaimed

James took the opportunity to lean down and check on Mia who was shaking almost violently by this point. Shawn had come out to see what was happening.

"Mia?" James quietly questioned

"Make it stop...." She stated, voice barely audible

"C'mere." James said, picking her up in his arms and taking her to the back

James politely asked Joey & Chris to leave them be while he tried his best to comfort the almost hysterical woman in his arms. He could hear Clown yelling at the singer even through the closed door. He gently wiped the tears from Mia's cheeks. Right now he couldn't be mad at Corey. He was only focused on the woman in his arms. She needed his full attention. He cradled her in his arms as she cried and shook until she finally cried herself to sleep.

Although she was sleeping each time he tried to lay her down on the couch she would grab ahold of him and refused to let go. So he slipped out of his shoes and laid down with her. Well actually he laid down on his back, slightly propped up by pillows, with her on top of him sort of laying between his massive legs with her head on his chest/stomach. Her whimpering made him sad. All he could at the moment was hold her and try his best to show her he was there for her and sincerely cared deeply for her.

Whenever he got the chance he was going to rip Corey a new one. Whatever it was that he did, and he was sure it was him who caused this, he would make sure Corey paid for. His Angel whimpered again, and this time shivered as well, bringing him out of his thoughts. He knew he would not get any sleep tonight but that was ok. Someone needed to watch over her and it was up to him to take care of her.

"Yo, Jim? We've stopped for breakfast." James heard Chris whisper

"I'm awake. Can you bring me food back?" He whispered his reply

"Sure man. Want me to pick up something for her too?" Chris questioned

"Yeah. She'll probably be hungry when she wakes up." James replied to his blond friend

Chris left them alone and he turned his attention back to her. As he watched her beautiful face sleeping, he started thinking about her and their budding relationship. She's told him her deepest, darkest secrets. Could he do the same? Would their relationship really survive like Clown's has? He was more than enamored with her, but did they have the substance to truly make their relationship work through the trials of his career?

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