Always on her side

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"So ladies, how's your project coming along?" Chris asked with a bit of maliciousness seeping into his voice

"Huh?!" The one asked

"Your school project... the whole reason you're here." Chris explained, looking smug while Joey did his best to suppress his giggles

"We're supposed to be doing something for school?!" Her like-minded & look-alike friend questioned with the stereotypical blond movements

"Yeah.... you were supposed to be working on a big project to turn in at the end of this year." Chris stated, looking up at Corey who was giving him death glares

"Oh!" The Barbie-Twats-er Twits, stated simultaneously before Tony emerged from the back

"What was that fight all about Corey? You and Jim almost never fight!" Joey questioned

"That little whore hit me!" The one on Corey's left squealed immediately

"Mia hit you?" Chris asked, bewildered

"Her name is Mia?!" Corey sorta asked, more to himself than anyone

"You mean to tell me you don't even know that poor girl's name?!" Joey demanded, a bit angrily

"Ladies, I've got both sides of the story. I'm more inclined to believe that one, if not both, of you started that fight. This is your one and only warning. If any altercations arise between you girls again you will be kicked off this tour." Tony firmly stated, ending the conversation promptly

Everyone sat back, lost in their own thoughts. Well, all except Corey and his pets who proceeded to all but have a threesome right then and there. It made Joey and Chris sick to their stomachs to watch. The pair eventually went to see what Jim and Mia were up to. They found her sleeping again and Jim half-heartedly picking at his cold lunch. It nearly broke Joey's heart when he heard her whimpering in her sleep.

"How's it going?" Chris asked quietly so he wouldn't wake up Mia

"Eh.... she's got a lot of emotional baggage. That's why she never talks to anyone." Jim sort of explained

"She's opened up to you?!" Joey asked amazed

"Only because I forced her. I'm trying my best to goad her out of her shell but it'll take a while." Jim replied sadly

Joey proceeded to tell James all about the conversation Chris had, had with the Barbie Twits while Chris watched James watching Mia sleep. They chatted quietly trying to not wake the sleeping girl on the couch. Then Joey brought it up with James.

"What was that fight about anyway?" Joey asked delicately

"Don't take this the wrong way, but it's none of your concern." Jim replied, giving both his friends a sad smile

"Something to do with Mia?" Joey questioned

"Something like that. Leave it there, ok?!" Jim asked

The trio sat around talking about random things. When Mia finally started rousing from her slumber, she sleepily sat up and rubbed her eyes. James watched her with utter love and affection, even if she didn't noticed Joey did, however. Once she'd realized there were more people than just James back there with her, she gave them a weak smile before digging through her bag to do more school work.

"So, Mia how's your project coming along?" Chris sincerely asked the quiet girl

"Oh, it's, uh, coming along fine." She stuttered, not understanding why they seemed so interested in her

"What are you doing, exactly? I don't think we were ever told the specifics of your projects." Joey piped up as Jim situated himself on the couch

"We were given loose guidelines but are pretty free to do what we want." She replied quietly finally looking up into Joey's eyes

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