Finding a sweet spot

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Mia giggled as they walked through the lobby of the hotel which only made James laugh softly. Tonight had been more than fun. It was very relaxing, which was rare on tour, and he felt that the evening may hold a few more surprises yet. They had decided on going to her room this time since they had gone to his the last time. In her drunken state she had a hard time with the key, much like he usually did when drunk, but finally got her door open. She slipped out of her shoes almost immediately with him following suite.

He went to call room service to bring them more alcohol. She turned her laptop on and browsed for music while he was on the phone. It didn't take the hotel long to get their alcohol and by the time she made her playlist it had arrived. James shut the door and got their drinks ready. She had turned the lights down so that it was a low, soft light. Very romantic. A minute or so later James handed her a drink. They let the music take over temporarily.

Maybe 30 seconds into the song, James put his drink down then pulled her up into his arms. They began slow dancing, with him just holding her close. The mood was right, the light was right, the music was right. He leaned down to lightly kiss her. She pulled him into a deeper kiss. He moaned into their kiss making her giggle slightly. He dropped to his knees, kneeling in front of her when she sat down on the bed. She tugged at his shirt and his heart leapt up into his throat. Was she ready? Or was this simply the alcohol?

He leaned back to slip his shirt over his head and she just stared at him, admiring his body. He smiled at her and simply waited for her to make her next move. He would only go as far as she was willing and comfortable enough to go, no matter how bad he wanted more. He could see the uncertainty in her face and reassured her they would only go as far as she felt comfortable.

His breath caught in his throat when she stood up and unzipped her top. There was a bra underneath but he had never gotten this far with her before. She blushed madly and looked down at the floor while he admired the curvaceous female body before him.

"My God Mia you are so beautiful." James whispered, voice ragged

"I can't promise you that I'll be ready for sex any time soon. I'm still feeling very vulnerable like this. But I do know I want you to be my first." She whispered, looking at his chest

"Mia! I am... I am... honored. That you feel that way." James whispered, moving to sit down next to her

"You're so patient with me and you haven't tried to rush things. I know it has to be very irritating to have to wait like this...." Mia slowly stated

"I'm not like most guys. Besides waiting for you it's like.... it's like it's all new for me too. I feel like I'm discovering the beauty of the female body all over again." He said before kissing her cheek, "And I'm gaining a much greater appreciation for it."

She leaned over and planted her lips to his delicately. He ran his hands over the exposed flesh of her back and sides until she pulled away. She blushed, unable to express what she wanted to say. He pulled her up into his lap and then moved her right leg so that she was straddling him. He went no further than the gentle caressing and kissing he'd been doing a few moments ago. She kissed his neck as she ran her hands over his chest.

He rolled them over where Mia was laying on her back after a few minutes of her being on his lap. He trailed kisses down her chest, trying his best to avoid stepping over boundaries, and stomach. She wiggled under his touch which he liked very much. Even her breath had turned fairly ragged as he kissed here and there on her stomach, sides, and chest. She finally pulled him up into a passionate kiss and as he was bringing his hand up to caress her cheek, the palm of his hand grazed her erect nipple accidently. She gasped at the feeling and he sat up slightly wondering what happened.

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