Fashionista Joey

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Chris and Joey immediately went to check on Mia and James soon after. The college pair just snuggled back up with Corey, making Tony roll his eyes. He then sat down at the kitchen table to call Clown. He was moving the pair around so that they could try and avoid future "altercations" between the bandmembers.

"Yo is she gonna be alright?" Joey tenderly asked

"His handprint is still visible on her cheek." Jim growled angrily

"Fuck! What exactly happened back here?" Chris asked, looking around at the totally fucked up back lounge

"The worst fight we've ever gotten into." Jim sadly retorted, running his hands through her hair

"Are you alright?" Joey asked

"I'll be fine. It's Mia I'm worried about." James stated, trying to wipe the tears streaming down her face

Tony suddenly emerged and said, "I'm switching Clown and Corey. The other two are going to switch busses to. I'm tired of you guys fighting. And yes, James, I realize it's mostly Corey and those other two causing the problems. I think it's best if you two were separated for a while until things get settled."

"I........ so...sorr... sorry." Mia sobbed

"Sweetie it's not your fault. Let me see your cheek." Tony replied

She reluctantly sat up to let everyone get a look at her face. His hand print was still there but it was very slowly starting to fade. There would most definitely be a bruise there. Once Tony was finished looking at her cheek, she buried her face in the crook of Jim's neck. Maybe 10 or so minutes later the busses came to a stop at McDonald's.

Corey had been livid when he was told he was being moved to the other bus with his little pets. He felt he was getting the short end of the stick, even with his favorite college girls coming with him. Clown already had his bags packed and was talking with Tony when Joey, Chris, James, and what's-her-name walked off the bus. Once she'd seen him, her eyes went wide like she was afraid of him. Had he really scared her that bad?

"Yo Corey! So, I understand you're moving onto our bus?" Paul exclaimed chuckling softly

"Yeah. Jim and I have gotten into two fights in the last couple days. Tony wants to separate us for the time being." Corey replied, watching as Jim did his best to cheer up the solitary college kid.

"What on Earth are you two fighting about? And why is Tony separating you guys just for that?" Paul inquired

"Because we've gotten into fist fights. And don't worry about what we've been fighting about." Corey replied, giving his friend a smile

Hearing laughter the pair looked over to see the other college kid laughing with Joey and Chris. She appeared more relaxed than she had been a few weeks, hell even a few days, ago! Even still he couldn't see what James saw in the girl. Paul drug him into the restaurant to grab some food so he put the girl out of his mind. As he passed her, though, he looked over to see his handprint was still dimly on her cheek. Had he really hit her that hard?

James had gone in to order for himself and Mia. She stayed outside with Joey and Chris. He was very happy that she was still talking with the pair. It was a very good sign! He was still waiting on their food to be ready when Paul and Corey walked in. He couldn't even look at his best friend knowing what the singer had done to poor Mia. He noticed the look of terror in her eyes when she spotted him after the deboarded the bus.

"Hey Jim!" Paul cordially stated

"Hey Paul." Jim replied

"What's going on?" Paul inquired

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