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He never let go of her and had placed her on his lap when he sat down. Suddenly realizing the position they were in, Mia blushed. Feeling quite confident all of a sudden, he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers. She seemed to freeze, either shocked or frightened James couldn't tell which, until he pulled away. She looked at him with questioning eyes

"I'm...I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." He said blushing

"What do you mean?" She finally asked after a few minutes of silence

"I've wanted to do that for so long. I don't know why Corey doesn't see how gorgeous you are." Jim told her, unable to look her in the eye

"OH MY GOD!" She suddenly exclaimed as if a huge light bulb had finally turned on in her head

"What?" He asked, very curious

"Everything makes sense now. The way you've been acting, the way you treat me." She quietly stated

"Mia...." James breathed

"You're the only one I've ever confided in since my childhood. I've told you my darkest secrets and you stayed." She exclaimed, amazed

"I meant every word I ever told you." He replied, cupping her face with his hands

"You treat me like a queen when I don't deserve it, you're the one who's always comforting me when I'm crying and hysterical." She quietly said, tears forming in her eyes

He couldn't find the words to speak so he did the only thing he knew to do: he pressed his lips to hers once more. This time not so tenderly. He wasn't rough or anything but it was more than light, nervous contact. It took her a few seconds but she did start kissing back, much to his delight. She pulled away and looked down.

"You've never been in a 'relationship' before, have you?" He asked

She simply shook her head no. Cupping her face again he made her look into his eyes.

"Relationships are complicated and usually a lot of work. But if you're committed, they can really be worth the effort." He said, voice not above a whisper

"I'm scared." She whispered back

"I know Princess. We can take things slow." He whispered, pressing his forehead to hers

He pressed his lips to her forehead before pulling away so he could take his shirt off. Turning off the stereo he turned on the TV to find a movie to watch since the alcohol they'd consumed was starting to make them both very drowsy. He settled himself in bed and pulled her up so that her head was resting on his shoulder where he could wrap his arms around her waist and keep her close to him all night. He never wanted to let her go! It didn't take her long to drift off to sleep, especially laying next to such a warm body!!

James woke up before Mia and discovered they were in much the same position as when they had fallen asleep. He smiled watching her sleep. He brushed some of her hair out of her beautiful face and continued watching her sleep. When she finally started rousing from her slumber she looked around groggily until her eyes landed on James.

"Good morning Princess." Jim quietly stated

"My head hurts." She replied, burying her head in the crook of his neck

"Getting some breakfast might help." Jim informed her

"Mmmmm pancakes sound good." She groggily replied making him chuckle softly

"Why don't you go back to your room and get a quick shower & change clothes and meet me back here in about 45 minutes." Jim explained

"Do I have to?" She said, making him chuckle again

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