Nothing special

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Corey showed up grinning like a Cheshire Cat. He simply rolled his eyes, knowing why his friend was grinning, and continued getting ready for the gig. Mick slapped Corey on the back, voice booming, and said what a slick shit he was. Corey laughed before starting to get ready himself. He knew the two girls were there already, as they hardly ever went anywhere without Corey, but wondered if she was going to show up.

It didn't surprise him when he didn't see her anywhere. Once again his mind began to wonder back to her. Why was she so reclusive and closed? Did she really not like him and his band? Had they somehow offended her? Suddenly he felt eyes upon him and quickly changed his train of thought back to what he was supposed to be doing. It was hard for him, especially when everywhere he looked he saw her.

Those sparkling emerald green eyes, shy smile, cute little dimples when she was really happy, seductive sway of her hips when she was feeling confident. He had to smile at the thought and was thankful no one could see his face!! As hard as he tried, he couldn't figure out why Corey continuously "hung out" with the two very trashy college girls. Was he trying to make himself feel good? Was he trying to prove a point? Was he trying to intentionally hurt Mia?

Looking down he found the aforementioned college girls jumping around making the giant fake titties jiggle, much to the delight of most of his bandmates, and generally acting like whores. It disgusted him! Not that it was because they weren't lusting after him. It was because she lusted after Corey and Corey was flaunting what he was doing in her face.

They were leaving this morning to get to the next city where they had 4 days off before a huge outdoor festival type show to do. She had already packed up and was waiting downstairs. Corey and his two bimbos were the next to arrive. She watched as her fellow college students hung all over him, kissing on him, whispering things to him, touching him. It broke her heart into a thousand pieces to witness this.

Would he notice her if she acted like them? Is that what he wanted? Was he really attracted to the flaunting, whore-like spectacle that the other two girls were showing? Did he honestly like it when they dressed like cheap hookers? She didn't think she could ever bring herself to dress like that. Her shy nature wouldn't let her!

"Mmm Corey. . . . . . I like it when you do that!" The taller of the two girls giggled, or more like moaned out, suddenly

She rolled her eyes and turned her back to the trio. After a few minutes she couldn't take the "noise" anymore and quickly put her headphones on. Maybe some music would help her forget her current problems! She watched as their busses rolled up and quickly climbed aboard with her "carry-on bags". Knowing how most of the guys were this early in the morning, she first put on a fresh pot of coffee to brewing then retreated to the back, where she slept on this crowded bus, to hide.

Once everyone had gotten onto their respective busses and had begun moving down the highway did Corey, and a few of the others, realize that someone had made coffee. It brought a smile to her face to hear how happy having some fresh coffee made Corey. She leaned back into the corner of the couch to continue looking up what she needed for a part of her project.

Sometime around noon the busses came to a stop outside of Golden Corral because everyone was bitching about wanting a nice, sit-down meal since they'd only been eating fast food the last few weeks. The college students' meals were already paid for so she got her cup and tray and went to find her something to eat. Most of the guys split up into groups of two or 3. Each table to she came to everyone ignored her so she finally decided to find a table away from everyone else and eat alone.

James watched as each and every one of his bandmates ignored the poor girl as she sheepishly tried to find somewhere to sit. He watched, with an aching heart, as she finally found a small table twenty feet away from their loud and obnoxious group and stared out the window. He quickly got tired of hearing Corey's sexual inuendos about the girls and picked up his plate and found another table. As he ate, he stared at her. At her perfection, at her beauty, at her fragility. She was almost like a China Doll in this state, press too hard she'll break, drop her she'll break.

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